Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Strong Opposition to the Mosque

Muslims must be defeated in their attempt to ram their mosque down our throats. Have we forgotten the act of war and terrorism that was thrust upon our country on 9/11? Those who are really Americans and care about this country have not forgotten. Together, they will stand as an army, ready to fight the notion that the bull crap of multicultural diversity and political correctness is enough reason to allow the enemy to erect a victory monument at Ground Zero. Oppose the Mosque! Oppose Obama and Pelosi! Oppose any Muslim who wants this! Oppose any politician who throws their support to the enemy! Investigate the liberal democrats and socialists trying to destroy the United States of American. It is time for Revolutionary thinking. We must fight for what is right. We must oppose the mosque! We must tear down the notion that we must bow down to the terrorist who practice hate and destruction. They who call us infidels want us to show them tolerance. Declare war on such nonsense. Tear down the idea of a mosque to celebrate terrorism. Impeach the little man in the White House. Knock the Mosque down on his head!

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