Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Two Peas In A Pod, Almost

A recent AP article was talking about Virginia Governor Kaine being a strong contender for Obama Hussein's vice president. This quote about Kaine is so revealing:

"But Kaine has no foreign policy background, and as a first-term governor, he may add to voters' concerns about Obama's experience. Kaine remains popular in Virginia, but he has had trouble dealing with Republicans and has no single defining achievement to point to on the campaign trail."

What a perfect match! Two peas in a pod. Salt and Pepper!

This describes Obama exactly:
- no foreign policy background
- first time Senator
- voters are concerned about no (absolutely none) experience
- trouble dealing with Republicans (actually anyone who disagrees with him)
- has no defining achievement to point to


Sunday, July 27, 2008

Obama's Phantom Wall

A brief synopsis of a discussion on Hardball reveals a strong Republican! Nice Job Heather Wilson!

Chris Matthews - 'HARDBALL' host
Heather Wilson, Republican congresswoman from New Mexico, guest
Robert Wexler, the representative from Congress from down in Boca, guest

Matthews: "Congresswoman Heather Wilson, what do you make of those remarks by Barack Obama today?"

Wilson: "Saying something like there's a wall between the United States and Europe? I mean, we've been allies with Western Germany and Germany as a whole since the end of the second world war. NATO is one of our strongest alliances and so what is he talking about? What's the substance behind that?"

[other discussion between Matthews, Wexler and Wilson]

WILSON: "We have British troops with us in Iraq. There's no question that there were differences on policy. But to say that somehow there is a wall in NATO that's running somewhere down the Atlantic shows Senator Obama's inexperience when it comes to understanding where we are. You see that in a number of other things. I mean, look at his platform. He has these kind of message-tested, poll-tested things like we should -- Barack Obama will make sure that we take, he will negotiate with the Russians to take our ICBMs off hair-trigger alert? It's a great idea. It was done 20 years ago. He seems to be unaware of American history, and that's inexperience which causes people some real concern about whether he's ready for the Oval Office.

Obama once again shows his desire to degrade America every chance he gets. The democrats have had this long-standing 'hate' campaign against Bush. They have worked hard to spread the lie across the globe. But, it is still a lie. Obama knows pretty much nothing about American history. Better limit your questions to Africa and select Muslim nations.

McCain Opposed to Affirmative Action?

Obama Hussein is accusing McCain of flip-flopping on the issue of affirmative action. In this case, McCain is accused of supporting an Arizona ballot initiative aimed at ending race- and gender- based preference programs. That would be great news! It would be wonderful if we had one candidate that had the brains and courage to end these racist programs. Affirmative action is 100% racism and it has gone on too long. Gather up all the affirmative action programs, then take them out back and burn them.

Those people who have been living off of this racist gravy train are not grateful in the least - rather they are the most racist people in the country.

Obama Hussein is a racist and he supports the race industry. No doubt he will expand the affirmative action programs. He wants to: Keep the victims down!


Thursday, July 24, 2008

John Edwards' Other Family

Hard work paid off this week at the National Enquirer. Through careful planning and apparently a little foreknowledge, they were able to catch John Edwards in the act, well almost.

Edwards went sneaking into the Beverly Hilton hotel in L.A. in the dark of the night. He found some stairs down to the basement and caught an elevator to go to the room. He was avoiding the main lobby at all cost. He was meeting his mistress (the more masculine one in the above photo). Down the hall, a friend was in another room watching over the love child.

Somehow Edward's plans had been made known, so when he came sneaking out of the room at 2:40 am, the NE reporters met him at the basement elevator. They said he looked like a deer with headlights. With all his sneaking around, he was shocked at their presence. In order to get away from the press (was his hair messed up?) he hid in the men's room until hotel security came and ushered him out.

Edwards has a mistress and a love child, but so far refuses to admit it. His wife, who is struggling with cancer, must be so impressed. V.P. Candidate?


McCain gets it right

McCain's recent comments in an interview with Katie Couric were right on the money. Obama and many democrats never cared about our troops or winning the war against terrorism half as much as they care about their political ambitions. True public servants.

See the quote here!


The Unbelievable Obama

Unbelievable that he could get enough signatures to be in the race.

Unbelievable that he could win any states in the primary.

Unbelievable that any political party would choose him.

Unbelievable that he would win the election in November.

By the way, what happened to Barry's skin? Why did they not make it real? Hiding his true skin color does not fit the intent of their satire.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Media Cleanup In China

China is telling its media that they will not tolerate obscene, sexual, superstitious or base advertisements during the Olympic period. Now there is good in this effort, but bear in mind it is only while they have all that attention from the world. In many ways China has made it clear that they are not going to "just be themselves" during the Olympics.

The government issued a statement that included this:

"Advertising companies have a responsibility to society for propaganda and showing the country's image. Order in the Olympic advertising market directly connects to the national image."

My final point is this. China's standard is that the propaganda will be used to promote and improve the country's image. In the U.S., the mainstream media is continually using propaganda to tear down the image of the U.S. - not only in the eyes of U.S. citizens, but all around the world.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What is Obama Hiding?

Even with the great support Obama consistently has from the main stream media, he still cannot trust them. Even though the press has been totally in his back pocket, he sees the need to exclude them.

The pictures and stories that Obama is generating in Afghanistan and Iraq are fakes. He keeps the press away, and then stages what he wants the picture to show. What is he afraid of? Why no press conferences in either country? This certainly shows how phony are the three news anchors that went over their with him.

Could it be that in the dark recesses of his mind Obama knows that deception is the key to his success. Does he possibly realize that people who see him for who he is would never vote for him?

This news story intrigued me so much, I actually posted it to two different blogs. Pick one and catch more of the detail.

On BlogEvolve

On Bloggerparty


Getting Naked at the Airport

About a dozen US airports have now installed the whole-body imaging machine as part of the security program. These talented and inquisitive machines use some kind of x-ray to see weapons or explosives that are concealed under several layers of clothes.

That's the good news, an important tool for security. You may not want to know this, but the same device can look at shape and size of anything else that resides beneath your clothing. Somebody is going to get an eyeful!

If you have not been through one of these yet, cheer-up. It will soon be playing at an airport near you.


Friday, July 18, 2008

Obama rips off taxpayers

The media has been all a buzz that Obama raised 52 million dollars of support in June. Yet he is going to have the American taxpayer fund his campaign trip to Europe. Why can he get away with this?

Some will be quick to advise me that a senator (even junior senators that are not doing their job) are allowed to travel at taxpayer expense. But this trip is not about his job. It is merely a publicity stunt to dupe the American people into thinking that his no-nothing could survive on the international front. The mainstream media have already written the last chapter of the trip-journal, so there is no doubt about what you will see on the news.

I thought Obama was going to campaign without U.S. funds. I am a taxpayer and I do not support this trip.


We pay for Obama's publicity stunt!

Voinovich Right On!

In a state (Ohio) that suffers from an abundance of democrats, it is nice to hear a Republican voice speak out. Senator George Voinovich used the term 'ridiculous' to refer to Gore's recent energy speech. It is almost behond belief that anyone can take Al Gore seriously. This is not the first time Voinovich has spoken out with common sense on energy and global warming. I guess Voinovich, unlike many in Congress, is starting to get it!

Gore says that the U.S. should end our dependence on carbon based fuels within the next 10 years. What better way to weaken our economy while the rest of the world continues to thrive on petroleum fuel.

Al Gore is in it for the money. His company is banking on the carbon credit nonsense to make a truckload of money, and he'll tear down his country to do it.

If Gore is serious about reducing petroleum dependence, he should first acknowledge that other forms of energy need to be proven successful first. Nuclear energy has been proven, so that is likely where we would need to expand first. Wind and solar are supplemental sources of energy that can help in some applications.

Always vote against the likes of Al Gore - he does not have the best interest of our country at heart.


Drill Now!

The lines are drawn in Congress:

The Republicans want to drill in the frozen tundra of Alaska and off east and west coasts of the U.S. They know that just the initiation of this effort will effect the global price of oil in a good way and gasoline prices will go down. This is common sense, this is good sense.

Meanwhile, the democrats are opposed to any such drilling. Pelosi calls it a hoax. democrats think it far better that we pay even more for petroleum. Anything to hurt the country and promote their sick anti-american agenda.

What is amazing is that the liberal party that now wants to be called progressive, is still hung up on environmental wacko ideas of 25 years ago. It is definitely time to remove the democrats from office.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Telling niggers how to behave!

Wait a minute, who's telling niggers how to behave? Those words come straight out of the heart of the democrat party from one of their long-standing heros - Jesse Jackson.

Yes, when Jesse was heard saying of Barack Hussein Obama that he wanted to cut his nuts off, he also made this accusation of Obama.

Now, if Jesse Jackson can call black people niggers, I think it is OK for anyone to use the same lingo. No fear, no guilt, no n-word. The black community seems to relish the word nigger.

To avoid any confusion, I must point out that Jesse Jackson did not call Barack Hussein a nigger.

I don't make this stuff up.

What Jesse Jackson said
