Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What is Obama Hiding?

Even with the great support Obama consistently has from the main stream media, he still cannot trust them. Even though the press has been totally in his back pocket, he sees the need to exclude them.

The pictures and stories that Obama is generating in Afghanistan and Iraq are fakes. He keeps the press away, and then stages what he wants the picture to show. What is he afraid of? Why no press conferences in either country? This certainly shows how phony are the three news anchors that went over their with him.

Could it be that in the dark recesses of his mind Obama knows that deception is the key to his success. Does he possibly realize that people who see him for who he is would never vote for him?

This news story intrigued me so much, I actually posted it to two different blogs. Pick one and catch more of the detail.

On BlogEvolve

On Bloggerparty


1 comment:

Dennis said...

What happens if you criticize Obama? This is a typical response that I get from one of my readers on another blog site.

"Fake interviews my ass! This really is pathetic...your jealousy is showing and it is not attractive. The only thing "fake" here is this blog..."

What do you see? Lots of anger, not much desire to look at the facts and make intelligent discussion. This is consistent with the liberal mode of operation - just get the opposing voices to shut down!