Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Does Your Post Invite a Response?

Those who write and read blogs have certainly discovered that some blog entries so readily evoke a response that your hands are practically pulled to the keyboard. Other blog entries leave you sitting at the computer with a 'that's nice, so what' expression on your face. Obviously the last example is not the desired effect.

More than likely I am currently doing what I just talked about. I posted two entries on my Blogger Party blog. They are both book reviews, but content is quite different. The first one (Jeeves) is the most appealing and was posted first. Vision is more studious and demanding, as well as politically incorrect.

So what will happen? Will anyone care to comment on these two entries? I don't know, but I hope so.

Carry On, Jeeves

The Vision of the Anointed


Bux3 for Cash!

Friday, May 09, 2008

Global Warming

What you ought to know! This video is from the "what you outght to know" website. It is a thoughtful and intelligent discussion that puts global warming in context. Try it!

More information from the same place.

Three Stooges - Latest Photo Found

This has to be the latest photo ever taken of this historical comdedy team. Enjoy!

For more info about the actual Three Stooges!


Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Global Warming Solution?

Once they grasped the imminent danger facing the global community, U.S. decision-makers had no choice but to act quickly, and so they did. Petroleum-based fuels are possibly the largest source of man-made carbon so it was only logical to reduce gasoline consumption. The solution proposed was to start blending ethanol (produced from corn) with gasoline. This has been going on long enough now that we can access the impact of this program.

Since the big push to use ethanol/gasoline blends:

Gasoline prices have continued to rise.

Food prices have risen significantly. Initially it was foods directly related to corn or corn syrup, but now the price increases are obvious in almost all food types.

Farmers are intending to use more of their land for corn (and less for other grains like wheat and oats) because the prices of corn are so high.

Around the world, available food supplies have become more scarce and prices have gone up significantly.

Riots over food supply and cost in places like Somalia have resulted in injury and death of people.

Scientists have determined that if you correctly analyze the carbon footprint of raising and processing corn, that there is little if any reduction in carbon emissions compared to petroleum production.

This should be a wake-up call to the decision-makers that they have to consider all factors when developing such a strategy. It is not acceptable to upset so many applecarts and then have no environmental benefit to show for it. There will not be one perfect solution. Rather many, many trade-offs will need to be considered.



Obama Has a Boyfriend?


Larry Sinclair, a Minnesoata democrat, says you only need to go back to 1999 to see Obama using crack cocaine. For dessert, Larry Sinclair and Obama enjoyed homosexual activity.

Larry Sinclair believes a presidential candidate should be honest and that is why he is speaking out. Since the media has had no interest in his story, he put his message out on Youtube. He has had over a quarter million visitors so far.

Sinclair is willing to submit to a polygraph test and now he will get his chance. Someone has offered him $10,000 for the right to record the test and $100,000 if he passes the test. How is that for academic motivation?

Meet Obama. He has already stated a strong pro-homosexual position, but how many Americans have contemplated him being gay?

How many ways can Obama deceive the American people? Shall he also lead by deception?


Obama's Friend Bill Ayers


Is that an American flag he is standing on? Yes it is. Disrespect for flag and country is one of the consistent themes of liberal democrats. This is what the democrat party has to offer voters in Indiana and North Carolina today.

Both Clinton and Obama stand firmly in the left wing of the democrat party. They cover it up as much as they can, but sooner or later voters do catch on.

Bill Ayers is a known and admitted terrorist and democrat radical. He has been involved in making bombs and blowing up U.S. buildings. When interviewed after 9/11, he said he only wished he had blown up more.

It was at the home of Bill Ayers that Obama kicked off his campaign for U.S. Senate. Obama's argument is that he was only 8 when Ayers bombs were going off. That may be true, but apparently a much older Obama is quite comfortable to be in the Ayers camp. By the way, the picture was taken in 2001.

It only takes a few sound bites from the media and most democrat voters are lulled into a dull stupor - not able to see who their candidate really is.


Which Race We Talking About?

She was the only female running in the race. She poured every ounce of her being into this race - running her heart out. But, alas, she came in second. She finished with head held high, but she was quite injured and subsequently euthanized on the track.

I'm talking about Eight Belles, of course, and the Kentucky Derby. You know, the horse Hillary put her money on.


Monday, May 05, 2008

Riddle - What Am I?

What Am I?

This is a riddle. When you think you have the answer, click on the link below. You might be surprised.

I live in California and I've been doing my thing for 107 years.

I use little energy and keep all my carbon to myself.

I like to hang around with firemen since they take good care of me.

Thomas Edison would be so pleased to meet me.

That might be enough clues. Here is the answer!
