Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Obama's Friend Bill Ayers


Is that an American flag he is standing on? Yes it is. Disrespect for flag and country is one of the consistent themes of liberal democrats. This is what the democrat party has to offer voters in Indiana and North Carolina today.

Both Clinton and Obama stand firmly in the left wing of the democrat party. They cover it up as much as they can, but sooner or later voters do catch on.

Bill Ayers is a known and admitted terrorist and democrat radical. He has been involved in making bombs and blowing up U.S. buildings. When interviewed after 9/11, he said he only wished he had blown up more.

It was at the home of Bill Ayers that Obama kicked off his campaign for U.S. Senate. Obama's argument is that he was only 8 when Ayers bombs were going off. That may be true, but apparently a much older Obama is quite comfortable to be in the Ayers camp. By the way, the picture was taken in 2001.

It only takes a few sound bites from the media and most democrat voters are lulled into a dull stupor - not able to see who their candidate really is.


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