Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Even the Democrats

Even the Democrats that went on and on with Obama praises during the election can clearly see how inept and inadequate this little guy is for the Office of the President.  The article referenced below is so typical of democrats and it is actually quite hilarious when you think about it.

Maureen Dowd, liberal New York Times reporter who does not like Republicans and often criticized President G.W. Bush, is calling for George W. Bush to speak out on the Mosque issue.  Dowd is of course for the Mosque - being obsessed with multi-cultural support of immigrants and terrorists.  She says that Bush understands better than Obama the connection between the war on terror and the larger question of America's relationship with Islam.  For many years democrats have told the American people there is no war on terror, so what is she talking about.

Dowd also said she finds it "odd" that Obama seems less sure on the matter.  That is really odd when you consider that Obama is a Muslim.  The problem is when the african muslim attempts to act like a true American.  The act is just too much to pull off.

Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson is also calling for G.W. Bush and Peter Beinart, former editor of New Republic, says he pines for GW Bush.

I know the above is hard to believe, so you can follow the link and read it for yourself.  The amazing thing is how it puts in black and white right before our faces that Obama is worthless as a President.

Mosque supporters beg George W. Bush

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