Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Bloomberg wants to forget!

You may have seen in the news that New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants to build a Muslim mosque very close to Ground Zero. Liberal democrats seem to like this multicultural inclusivity, but most Americans find it appalling.

This sign for a bus ad campaign in New York was rejected.

When asked about the rejection, CBS Outdoor stated "images of 911 were not allowed." In a series of compromise revisions, the plane, smoke and flames were removed. Then the plane was put back in, but far from the building.

This exercise in censorship led to Freedom Defense Initiative filing a lawsuit against the city of New York. It was the Metropolitan Transit Authority that in the end refused the campaign because it contained 911 images.

Eventually, The MTA woke up and the jihad against free speech was stopped. The ad ran as originally designed.

As we approach September, it will be so important to post plenty of true 911 pictures so people like Bloomberg cannot squelch the truth.

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