Friday, August 27, 2010

Rolling Stone Being Bold About Politics

I found it interesting that the front cover of Rolling Stone magazine, (March 18, 2010), included this title:

"The GOP's Dirty War Against Obama"

Rolling Stone magazine is not primarily about politics, but rather entertainment.  Would they not be a bit concerned that their blatant political view might offend a portion of their readers?

It is true that many of the voters (young, college age) that originally put Obama into office are likely fans of Rolling Stone magazine.  Likewise, many of these young people are certainly intelligent enough to see that Obama's idealistic promise of 'Hope and Change' has amounted to nothing more than bullshit.  Certainly these voters are looking somewhere else for answers now, and that may even be the GOP.

For those who know something about politics, the democrats clearly own the expression "dirty war", so does the title even make sense?

(this political view is true and accurate, and most definitely unchallenged)

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