Sunday, January 09, 2011

Gabrielle Giffords Shooting

The Gabrielle Giffords shooting incident is certainly a tragedy.  Apparently there are a total of six dead.  Republicans and people aligned with the TEA party certainly mourn this loss.  There appears to be a different sentiment from the democrats.  Looking at the news coverage, it appears that the democrats only care about making the shooting into a political opportunity.  They really don't care all that much about the lives lost.

Democrats are filled with hate toward the TEA party (the American people) and Sarah Palin.  Their hatred must be put forth at this time because they know the American people have had enough of the worst Congress and the worst President the country has ever seen.

Maybe the Federal government should take some blame for this violence in Arizona.  Seems that Arizona is the state that has been in the scope of the Feds with respect to illegal immigrants.

Maybe the leftist president and company can learn something from this tragedy, assuming they can stop campaigning long enough to notice.

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