A brief synopsis of a discussion on Hardball reveals a strong Republican! Nice Job Heather Wilson!
Chris Matthews - 'HARDBALL' host
Heather Wilson, Republican congresswoman from New Mexico, guest
Robert Wexler, the representative from Congress from down in Boca, guest
Matthews: "Congresswoman Heather Wilson, what do you make of those remarks by Barack Obama today?"
Wilson: "Saying something like there's a wall between the United States and Europe? I mean, we've been allies with Western Germany and Germany as a whole since the end of the second world war. NATO is one of our strongest alliances and so what is he talking about? What's the substance behind that?"
[other discussion between Matthews, Wexler and Wilson]
WILSON: "We have British troops with us in Iraq. There's no question that there were differences on policy. But to say that somehow there is a wall in NATO that's running somewhere down the Atlantic
shows Senator Obama's inexperience when it comes to understanding where we are. You see that in a number of other things. I mean, look at his platform. He has these kind of message-tested, poll-tested things like we should -- Barack Obama will make sure that we take, he will negotiate with the Russians to take our ICBMs off hair-trigger alert? It's a great idea. It was done 20 years ago.
He seems to be unaware of American history, and that's inexperience which causes people some real concern about whether he's ready for the Oval Office.Obama once again shows his desire to degrade America every chance he gets. The democrats have had this long-standing 'hate' campaign against Bush. They have worked hard to spread the lie across the globe. But, it is still a lie. Obama knows pretty much nothing about American history. Better limit your questions to Africa and select Muslim nations.