Monday, August 04, 2008

Is Paris HIlton A Recluse?

So says Obama Hussein, the magnificent.

Recently Obama became fairly undone with McCain's ad comparing Obama to two popular young ladies - Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. The ad drives home the point that Obama's glory is that he thinks he is a rock star and equates the size of a rock concert in Germany to his greatness here in the U.S. The most recent polls confirm that he is dreaming.

In the Washington Post dated 2/24/05, Obama Hussein himself had made this comparison. How right on could McCain be with his ad!

Quoting from the Washington Post:

There's nothing exotic or complicated about how phenoms are made in Washington, and, more to the point, how they are broken.

"Andy Warhol said we all get our 15 minutes of fame," says Barack Obama. "I've already had an hour and a half. I mean, I'm so overexposed, I'm making Paris Hilton look like a recluse."

No one has worked harder for media attention than Paris and Britney, but they will never even come close to what the liberal media have given to Obama in this campaign. The press has a thing for losers, I guess.


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