Thursday, August 28, 2008

Who Are These Women?

There have been a lot of old democrats showing up at the convention this week, but so far I have not seen Geraldine Ferraro. Maybe she has been there and I am just not aware. You might remember Geraldine Ferraro is an avid Hillary supporter and worker who was pushed to resign because of a supposed racial remark she made.

Today I came across an op/ed piece by Geraldine Ferraro in entitled "What Hillary Clinton's women want".

She is talking about three groups of women and there was a comment about one of the groups that just struck me in the face. Speaking of women who wanted Hillary, but will now join the party line and choose Obama Hussein over McCain. Here is the quote:

"They also would never think of voting for McCain, primarily because of two vital, closely related issues of their concern: the Supreme Court and abortion."

Yes that's what it says. When push comes to shove, these women care most about guarding their right to kill their babies! Women become mothers, and then mothers kill their babies! Who are these sick women? This is a sick society! Obama is their man, that's for sure.


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