Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Obama Who?

As our president runs around the country in a last ditch effort to find some support for his failed team and to spur his voters on, something interesting is happening.  Those who until recently called themselves democrats are going into hiding.  If you call them and ask their political party, you will likely get the 'click' of a disconnected call.

Polls from both Gallup and Rasmussen show an unusually low percentage of democrats across the land.  Why are they hiding?  That portion of these democrats that truly care about America are ashamed.  They know that democrats have controlled Congress since 2006, so tyring to place all the blame on President Bush is just silly.  They also remember all the promises and hype from 'The One' in 2008 and now see that he delivered on nothing.  Not only has he accomplished nothing good, his entire direction has been towards American defeatism.  Now they see this little guy with the big, arrogant and angry countenance blasting away.

At a time when he should be reminding people of the successes of this past twenty months, he has nothing to offer except Bush bashing.  Oh yes, there are also the numerous fantasy job and economy improvement numbers he likes to throw around.  That is it, and it is truly a shame. 

Another shameful aspect of this Obama Hussein is that he does not even try to unite the country.  He openly criticizes and bashes those who do not agree with his liberal left policies.  Apparently he is content to be leader to a portion of this country.

So, if you are a democrat, then man-up and learn from your mistakes.  If you still think obama is a keeper, then you are hopeless!

Source Article

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