Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Obama cares not what 67% of Americans say

Two thirds of the American people know that the 'historical' president and his leftist government have accomplished nothing good for the country. Two thirds of the American people know that America must choose a different direction if we want to prosper again. The welfare state is a downward spiral.

As we approach the upcoming election, we see that obama's democrats are frantically trying to save their cushy jobs, but every day more and more Americans are waking up to the truth.

obama's democrats have nothing, absolutely nothing to demonstrate the success of their socialist, big government program. They have made unemployment rise, even after borrowing trillions of dollars and promising millions of jobs.

The only thing obama has to offer the people is to blame the GOP. That does not sound like a plan that will make things better. The whole idea of obama blaming the GOP is ridiculous if you think about it. democrats controlled congress during President Bush's last two years. For the last two years, they have controlled everything and have often eliminated GOP members of congress from the process. Their is no basis to blame the GOP. How can they be the party of 'NO' when they were not given the chance to vote?

Obama made it clear to the GOP three days after his inauguration that he did not want their input.  His comments when the GOP made some suggestions were "Elections have consequences.  I won".  Yes, that was said by the post-partisan president.  How could any other political party work with that kind of arrogant attitude.  Because obama insisted on going it alone, he now must shoulder all the blame for his failure.

Why the blame rests with the democrats alone
Harris Poll


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