Friday, October 08, 2010

Healthcare Disaster Starting

As obama hussein's socialist agenda launches health care, Americans remain convinced that they need to get this thing revoked.  The troubles in the meantime will begin to unfold.

Remember how obama continued to assure everyone that they could keep their own insurance if they wanted to.  Then remember Pelosi said don't worry about the contents of obamacare, we will figure that out after it is passed.

So McDonald's starts to look at the details and they realize that they cannot provide insurance for thousands of employees that meets obamacare requirements.  This was reported here.

In less than a week, we learn that 30 companies, including McDonald's have been granted a one year waiver from certain requirements in obamacare.  (On a side note, I wonder how many votes and political favors were wrapped into this negotiation, for that is the only time liberals help big business.)

This is such a good example of how this 1000 page bill that will cost taxpayers billions of dollars has had very little thought.

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