Sunday, October 22, 2006

Obama and Osama

Ah yes, two peas in a pod. Here's the question of the day: If Obama were a Republican, would he be required to change his name?

First, let's look at the opposite situation. Obama and Osama have names that are so close, they can easily be confused. This is great! Osama has been mistreated by the big bad Americans, so maybe Obama can come along and be a good buddy.

Heard some of Ann Coulter on Matt Drudge - she is good. Also heard a clip from Obama - has no enthusiasm about the idea of running for President - still thinking about it.

Ann brought out a really important point. You've heard all the noise about Pelosi being the first woman to be Speaker of the House - a great historic event. Meanwhile, when Rice was name the first black female to be secretary of State, there was no thought of an historic celebration.

It's all bias and distortion coming from the mainstream media.

God Bless You,

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