Sunday, October 22, 2006

Enquirer Endorses DeWine

As the election process continues, it is certainly nice to see that The Enquirer, a paper in Cincinnati, OH has come out in favor of Senator Mike DeWine. That ought to be of some help to him.

They primarily see DeWine as an effective moderate, with an especially strong record on child, family and health issues. Now most of that is just fine with me, but that moderate business is the one thing I hold against DeWine. Sometimes he talks like a Democrat and that's not acceptable. If he wants to be a Republican, he should go all the way. The Enquirer says that because he is a moderate, he can be just as effective if the Democrats take over the Senate and/or House.

Now listen to what The Enquirer had to say about Sherrod Brown. Just to list a few points:

Brown is echoing the Democratic talking point that DeWine is a rubber stamp for President Bush. It's an empty headed argument from mis-represented roll call votes.
Brown exploits Ohio worker's fears with his 'faux-populist, anti-free-trade' rhetoric. Accusations he makes have no basis, and when he tries to make intelligent suggestions, he only stumbles around in empty double-talk.
He pits large Corporations against small business.
Brown says he can work in a bipartisan manner, but his style employs such confrontational, in-your-face ideological hyperbole that you wonder how effective he could be. (Maybe DeWine should be more 'in-the-face').

So what did you expect? Sherrod Brown is a democrat - fully trained in idiocy. Let him get whooped at the polls!

Have a nice day,

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