Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Need that Contact with God

These are crazy times for a lot of people, if not most. If you are aware of the government / political things going on it's a lot. The ugly Democratic Party has been focused on bashing President Bush continuously. They do this, first because they want the Power of Congress, and second because they have nothing else to offer. If they did not have the freedom to spew forth a never ending stream of lies, they would have nothing to say. Freedom of speech, with no obligation to tell the truth - that is the liberal way. I digress!

Christians need to maintain contact with their Father. We need His wisdom, His strength and His working in our lives. We must cooperate with the Holy Spirit and God's agenda.

We also need to be praying that His will we be perfectly executed in all the upcoming elections.

For one more tidbit on this, check out my other posting today.

For more thoughts and news on President Bush, Democrats, Clintons and a whole bunch of issues, click here.

God Bless You,

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