Wednesday, September 08, 2010

The Frustrated Blogger

Recently Huttriver12 let it be known that he was checking out of the BlogEvolve community blog, after having been there for several years.  Why would he do that?

If you take his words at face value, it is easy to explain.  There are the good guys, Huttriver12 (himself) and Elly (she did more than anyone to make BlogEvolve successful).  Everyone else, according to Huttriver12 fits into one of two categories:  sploggers and Internet fools.  I know that I am not a splogger, so ...

He used this classification system in at least three of his posts.  I know the struggle with sploggers had gone on for some time (worthless site admin, for sure) so there are probably more chastising posts.  
parting shot
shot over the bow
earlier shot over the bow

People blog for a number of reasons, and one of the reasons to blog on a community site is for the interaction with others.  They read your posts, and you read theirs.  This way writers feed off of each others ideas and also enjoy the fellowship along the way.  With the continual stream of splogger posts, and the diminishing number of active bloggers, the sense of community is diminished and the benefits are less.

So, yes, we can understand the frustration that the hard-working Huttriver12 and Elly experienced and why they feel their time is better spent elsewhere.  When I started on BlogEvolve, I was pretty new to the blogging scene and Elly was quite helpful.  She must have posted on almost every post I made.   And when I wasn't offending Huttriver12 with my 'definite political opinions fueled by frustration', he was also willing to read, comment regularly and even compliment on occasion.

Let me point out, though, it is a small, small world and we might just run into each other again.  In the meantime, maybe you want to join BlogEvolve and see if you can make it a better place.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi there. Was just passing through and stopped to read at BE. Thanks for the kind comments, and Elly was certainly the Mother Superior. I got chastised for my language in my first couple of weeks at BE. You know we down-under people have been known to express ourselves well at times - but not at BE.

I have just had my backside well and truly kicked by John Lake who suggested I was really running away. Am I? John blogged under the handle of Big Bad Johny at one stage. He suggested I take time off, re-evaluate and come back refreshed to fight another day. You don't fit into the category of an internet fool - just rather right-winged. I'm the opposite, which owes much to my upbringing and journey through life.

Fools I guess are the ones who post some strange stuff on their blogs, not commercial type blogs which I have occasionally written and may consider Smorty. Do you know anything about them?

Have a happy day,
