Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Burn Quran, Burn

Today, I was reading an article from entitled, "Imam: Ground Zero Mosque Won't Be Stopped".  It is about Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and his determination to proceed with building the Muslim mosque near Ground Zero.  I quote a couple of his statements:

"The level of attention reflects the degree to which people care about the very American values under debate:  recognition of the rights of others, tolerance and freedom of worship. We are proceeding with the community center, Cordoba House."   He goes on to thank Obama and Bloomberg for their support.

Later he says that he is "very sensitive to the feelings of 9/11 survivors and family members"  and the Muslims will continue to "seek the support of those families" as they finalize construction plans.  I'm sure the survivors will feel much better once construction starts.

After reading this, I was struck with the realization that there is no difference between building a mosque near ground zero and burning Quran's on 9/11.  You really cannot justify supporting the one while speaking down about the other. I will say more about that in another post.

Then, tonight, I found that Ann Coulter has written an article expressing a similar idea.  The article is called, "Bonfire of the Insanities."

This is her concluding statement from that article:

"The reason not to burn Qurans is that it's unkind - not to jihadists, but to Muslims who mean us no harm.  The same goes for building a mosque at ground zero -- in both cases, it's not a question of anyone's rights, it's just a nasty thing to do."

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