Monday, November 29, 2010

Starbucks Coffee - Great Coffee

The bag of coffee beans has been empty for at least two weeks, and still when I squeeze it I cannot believe the wonderful coffee aroma that rushes at my nose.  Yes!

We are talking about Starbucks, House Blend. 

Tasting notes = Lively, Balanced
Flavor Intensity = Medium
Origin = Latin America

And yes, I did buy whole bean coffee so it would be as fresh as possible.

About House Blend

(from the bag)  "When we opened our first store in Seattle's Pike Place Market, we wanted a House Blend that captured the signature expression of our roasting style - glistening, dark chestnut beans loaded with flavor.  Years later, it's still why people come through our doors.  House Blend has a wonderful balance of body, crisp acidity, nut and cocoa notes, and a touch of sweetness from the roast."

Serving Suggestion

Enjoy Starbucks with a slice of banana nut bread and an overstuffed chair.

Latin American

"In Latin America, hundreds of years of coffee tradition have passed along the ritual of washing coffee beans free of their sticky, protective "honey."  This washing process imprints all of the coffee grown there with a crisp flavor and palate-cleansing activity."

Starbucks Shared Planet (Eco-Crap)

100% Responsibly Grown, Ethically Traded.

"That means the coffee in this bag is helping to create a better future for farmers and a more stable climate for the planet.  Because we've always believed in a better cup of coffee."


"Only 3% of the coffee grown around the world is good enough to make it into a bag of Starbucks coffee.  And it's always 100% arabica.

There you have it - everything you wanted to know about my recent Starbucks experience.

Want to know more about Starbucks? 

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