Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Shall We Make BP Suffer?

Now that the BP oil release has been capped and most of the oil either cleaned up or lost to sea, we can get down to the important issue of how much penalty should be paid by BP. What do you say? Shall we drain them dry?

The minds of many Americans are captivated by the liberal agenda and the propaganda they are fed daily by the democrats and the mainstream media. This propaganda boldly declares big business as evil and would love to see it crumble.

This is one strategy, for sure, and the agenda is at least in part to prevent another such disaster. But we do not want to miss the fact that blame does not lie totally with BP. EPA is charged with the responsibility to oversee oil handling activities in our waterways. EPA has at sometime in the past approved the spill contingency plan that states the planned response to a major release. Why did EPA not do their job right, and why are people not asking how we can punish the EPA?

In addition, we must note that BP funded and led the charge throughout this cleanup – not EPA. I think BP has been punished enough.

(No, I do not have any BP stock!)

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