Monday, October 13, 2008

How Low Would You Go?

Hey women - how far would you go? How low would you stoop? Would you let Obama Hussein slobber on you?

How gross!

Culture of Corruption

Following the Mark Foley (Rep - Florida) sex scandal with text messages, the democrats screamed relentlessly about the Republican 'culture of corruption' and that was a big help to them in 2006.

Now we learn that democrat and loser, Tim Mahoney of Florida, who happened to take Mark Foley's place has been ignoring his wife and pleasing his mistress for some time. Mahoney agreed to a buy her silence with $121,000 and two years of employment. Meanwhile, major loser Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-IL), has been working with Mahoney to keep this hushed - for campaign reasons.

As usual, and it happens all the time, the two-faced democrats are the real party of corruption.

Vote against the filthy democrats every chance you get.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Victory In Iraq is Not a Mistake

The U.S. military was sent to Iraq by both parties of Congress following 9/11. After our troops were digging in and paying the price in a difficult war, the democrats wanted to quit and come home. With no thought of what such a surrender would mean to our troops, Iraq and Al-Queada, the democrats acted as enemies of the U.S. military and continued to threaten to cut off their support. Meet the democrats. They care only about the political agenda of the liberal left.

Speaking of the liberal left, Obama is one of these anti-Americans, and now he thinks he can be Chief of these same armed forces. Iraq war veteran Joe Cook has been to Iraq and fought in the war. He has a message of insight and wisdom for Obama to hear. You can see it too at this link to the youtube video.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

9/11 and the 2008 Election

As you this day remember the tragedy inflicted on the USA by terrorists, Obama also wants you to remember his friend and spiritual mentor of 20 years, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Only Rev. Wright, with full support from Obama, had the courage to instruct America that we deserved the attack on 9/11. It was just "our chickens coming home to roost. God Damn America!"

Maybe Barack Hussein Obama will come up with a chicken analogy before the day is over.

If you vote for Obama, you might as well vote for Osama. Pretty much the same thing!


Democrats Resort to Bible

These are crazy days in the Obama camp. Lots of screws coming loose and the dems are beginning to sense their demise. This is making them nuts and they are acting like it. Following the lipstick and pig slams against McCain/Palin, the democrats have renewed their effort to remove the separation of church and state. If political rhetoric from the left requires religion on the floor of Congress, then so be it.

The dems have come up with a new analogy that is supposed to help Obama Hussein and hurt Sara Palin. It goes like this: Jesus Christ was a community organizer; Pontious Pilate was a governor.

So we compare Obama to Jesus Christ and we compare Pontious Pilate to Sara Palin. The intent is to smear Palin with this analogy since Pilate is only remembered for one thing: allowing Jesus Christ to be sent to the cross.

This analogy probably needed a little more thought. For the next logical piece of the analogy is just beautiful. Who is it that has been gladly and proudly portrayed as the Saviour and Messiah throughout this campaign? Obama. It is then reasonable to expect that Palin is going to crucify Obama. Sweet, so sweet.

Typical White Person?

Obama Hussein once referred to his grandmother as a typical white person. Today, when I saw her picture, I was utterly shocked! After some deep thought, I decided this must be the other grandma. How fortunate for Obama. Not only does he have one black parent and one white parent, but he also has the matched set of grandmas.

This grandma must be on his father's side. She lives in Kenya and made the news because someone broke into her house, apparently hoping to steal her solar panel.

Friday, September 05, 2008

The Progress of Your Day

So how is your day going? Is it going well? Is it going to get worse? If we assume that it will get worse, then the only question is when? How about NOW!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Temple Tonight

Hey, don't forget to go to temple worship tonight. Messiah Obama is expecting you to be there, face to the ground. Since a crowd of 24,000 wasn't adequate for his audacity, he moved the whole worship service to the football stadium. Now 75,000 screwed-up people can bow down to his liberal left positions and be chosen to propagate his lies. (Have no fear if he forgets his halo, they have an extra one.)

Obama Ayers Hussein! Tonight he makes history. In November, he will be history!


Who Are These Women?

There have been a lot of old democrats showing up at the convention this week, but so far I have not seen Geraldine Ferraro. Maybe she has been there and I am just not aware. You might remember Geraldine Ferraro is an avid Hillary supporter and worker who was pushed to resign because of a supposed racial remark she made.

Today I came across an op/ed piece by Geraldine Ferraro in entitled "What Hillary Clinton's women want".

She is talking about three groups of women and there was a comment about one of the groups that just struck me in the face. Speaking of women who wanted Hillary, but will now join the party line and choose Obama Hussein over McCain. Here is the quote:

"They also would never think of voting for McCain, primarily because of two vital, closely related issues of their concern: the Supreme Court and abortion."

Yes that's what it says. When push comes to shove, these women care most about guarding their right to kill their babies! Women become mothers, and then mothers kill their babies! Who are these sick women? This is a sick society! Obama is their man, that's for sure.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Michael, What Happened?

One of the great success stories of the Beijing Olympics is certainly Michael Phelps. USA is proud of his tremendous victories and glad of his medals.

But what is this? Who did this picture? Besides the clashing reds, it looks like he is wearing a halter top!


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Best Manager of the Economy

Why do you think that 49% of Americans think John McCain will be the better manager of the economy, as opposed to 40% for Obama?

One significant reason is that Obama and his democrats have no interest in lowering gas prices. Speaker of the House Pelosi is so opposed to drilling she is obstructing House procedure and will not even allow the issue of drilling to see a vote. Think Audacity of Pelosi - obviously having her way is more important than the will of the entire legislative body. This is just one example of how democrats totally abuse the governmental system they are supposed to be serving.

In addition to supporting higher gas prices, Obama also has shown that he does not have the intelligence to discuss economic issue. He just repeats sound bytes and message points - like a tape player.


Obama is losing ground fast!

Americans are celebrating the latest Reuters/Zogby poll released on Wednesday. McCain now has a nine point lead over Obama (49 percent to 40 percent). What a change from Obama's earlier lead of 7 percentage points!

There are many factors as to why this change has occurred, but the bottom line is it's not that big of surprise. Americans are starting to get more serious about the upcoming election and are seeing more clearly what an 'empty suit' Obama Hussein is.

Obama has continued to stammer and stutter his way towards wrong solutions on almost every issue. He has continued to show his anti-American stripes and they do run deep. One of the more recent examples was his connecting with Vladimir Putin to blame the U.S. for the Gerogia incident.

There is a silver lining for the democrats, though, so be encouraged. Obama Hussein will be the first black man to lose the general election for President of the United States, so the historical significance is not lost.

Obama going down!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Photos by Jellen

My friend, Jellen, is having fun with her digital camera (a Fuji FinePix S700). In the past she has demonstrated over and over that she is a creative writer. With the Fuji camera in her hand, she has found another tool to express her creativity. One of the capabilities of the Fuji FinePix camera is the macro feature which made possible the dandelion puff shot. Jellen can also think out of the box and ask, "What does the sky look like from a dog's perspective?" Check out two of her shots here:

Dandelion Puff

See the Sky

Curious about the camera that Jellen uses? Not as expensive as I would have guessed.


Monday, August 04, 2008

Is Paris HIlton A Recluse?

So says Obama Hussein, the magnificent.

Recently Obama became fairly undone with McCain's ad comparing Obama to two popular young ladies - Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. The ad drives home the point that Obama's glory is that he thinks he is a rock star and equates the size of a rock concert in Germany to his greatness here in the U.S. The most recent polls confirm that he is dreaming.

In the Washington Post dated 2/24/05, Obama Hussein himself had made this comparison. How right on could McCain be with his ad!

Quoting from the Washington Post:

There's nothing exotic or complicated about how phenoms are made in Washington, and, more to the point, how they are broken.

"Andy Warhol said we all get our 15 minutes of fame," says Barack Obama. "I've already had an hour and a half. I mean, I'm so overexposed, I'm making Paris Hilton look like a recluse."

No one has worked harder for media attention than Paris and Britney, but they will never even come close to what the liberal media have given to Obama in this campaign. The press has a thing for losers, I guess.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Two Peas In A Pod, Almost

A recent AP article was talking about Virginia Governor Kaine being a strong contender for Obama Hussein's vice president. This quote about Kaine is so revealing:

"But Kaine has no foreign policy background, and as a first-term governor, he may add to voters' concerns about Obama's experience. Kaine remains popular in Virginia, but he has had trouble dealing with Republicans and has no single defining achievement to point to on the campaign trail."

What a perfect match! Two peas in a pod. Salt and Pepper!

This describes Obama exactly:
- no foreign policy background
- first time Senator
- voters are concerned about no (absolutely none) experience
- trouble dealing with Republicans (actually anyone who disagrees with him)
- has no defining achievement to point to


Sunday, July 27, 2008

Obama's Phantom Wall

A brief synopsis of a discussion on Hardball reveals a strong Republican! Nice Job Heather Wilson!

Chris Matthews - 'HARDBALL' host
Heather Wilson, Republican congresswoman from New Mexico, guest
Robert Wexler, the representative from Congress from down in Boca, guest

Matthews: "Congresswoman Heather Wilson, what do you make of those remarks by Barack Obama today?"

Wilson: "Saying something like there's a wall between the United States and Europe? I mean, we've been allies with Western Germany and Germany as a whole since the end of the second world war. NATO is one of our strongest alliances and so what is he talking about? What's the substance behind that?"

[other discussion between Matthews, Wexler and Wilson]

WILSON: "We have British troops with us in Iraq. There's no question that there were differences on policy. But to say that somehow there is a wall in NATO that's running somewhere down the Atlantic shows Senator Obama's inexperience when it comes to understanding where we are. You see that in a number of other things. I mean, look at his platform. He has these kind of message-tested, poll-tested things like we should -- Barack Obama will make sure that we take, he will negotiate with the Russians to take our ICBMs off hair-trigger alert? It's a great idea. It was done 20 years ago. He seems to be unaware of American history, and that's inexperience which causes people some real concern about whether he's ready for the Oval Office.

Obama once again shows his desire to degrade America every chance he gets. The democrats have had this long-standing 'hate' campaign against Bush. They have worked hard to spread the lie across the globe. But, it is still a lie. Obama knows pretty much nothing about American history. Better limit your questions to Africa and select Muslim nations.

McCain Opposed to Affirmative Action?

Obama Hussein is accusing McCain of flip-flopping on the issue of affirmative action. In this case, McCain is accused of supporting an Arizona ballot initiative aimed at ending race- and gender- based preference programs. That would be great news! It would be wonderful if we had one candidate that had the brains and courage to end these racist programs. Affirmative action is 100% racism and it has gone on too long. Gather up all the affirmative action programs, then take them out back and burn them.

Those people who have been living off of this racist gravy train are not grateful in the least - rather they are the most racist people in the country.

Obama Hussein is a racist and he supports the race industry. No doubt he will expand the affirmative action programs. He wants to: Keep the victims down!


Thursday, July 24, 2008

John Edwards' Other Family

Hard work paid off this week at the National Enquirer. Through careful planning and apparently a little foreknowledge, they were able to catch John Edwards in the act, well almost.

Edwards went sneaking into the Beverly Hilton hotel in L.A. in the dark of the night. He found some stairs down to the basement and caught an elevator to go to the room. He was avoiding the main lobby at all cost. He was meeting his mistress (the more masculine one in the above photo). Down the hall, a friend was in another room watching over the love child.

Somehow Edward's plans had been made known, so when he came sneaking out of the room at 2:40 am, the NE reporters met him at the basement elevator. They said he looked like a deer with headlights. With all his sneaking around, he was shocked at their presence. In order to get away from the press (was his hair messed up?) he hid in the men's room until hotel security came and ushered him out.

Edwards has a mistress and a love child, but so far refuses to admit it. His wife, who is struggling with cancer, must be so impressed. V.P. Candidate?


McCain gets it right

McCain's recent comments in an interview with Katie Couric were right on the money. Obama and many democrats never cared about our troops or winning the war against terrorism half as much as they care about their political ambitions. True public servants.

See the quote here!


The Unbelievable Obama

Unbelievable that he could get enough signatures to be in the race.

Unbelievable that he could win any states in the primary.

Unbelievable that any political party would choose him.

Unbelievable that he would win the election in November.

By the way, what happened to Barry's skin? Why did they not make it real? Hiding his true skin color does not fit the intent of their satire.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Media Cleanup In China

China is telling its media that they will not tolerate obscene, sexual, superstitious or base advertisements during the Olympic period. Now there is good in this effort, but bear in mind it is only while they have all that attention from the world. In many ways China has made it clear that they are not going to "just be themselves" during the Olympics.

The government issued a statement that included this:

"Advertising companies have a responsibility to society for propaganda and showing the country's image. Order in the Olympic advertising market directly connects to the national image."

My final point is this. China's standard is that the propaganda will be used to promote and improve the country's image. In the U.S., the mainstream media is continually using propaganda to tear down the image of the U.S. - not only in the eyes of U.S. citizens, but all around the world.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What is Obama Hiding?

Even with the great support Obama consistently has from the main stream media, he still cannot trust them. Even though the press has been totally in his back pocket, he sees the need to exclude them.

The pictures and stories that Obama is generating in Afghanistan and Iraq are fakes. He keeps the press away, and then stages what he wants the picture to show. What is he afraid of? Why no press conferences in either country? This certainly shows how phony are the three news anchors that went over their with him.

Could it be that in the dark recesses of his mind Obama knows that deception is the key to his success. Does he possibly realize that people who see him for who he is would never vote for him?

This news story intrigued me so much, I actually posted it to two different blogs. Pick one and catch more of the detail.

On BlogEvolve

On Bloggerparty


Getting Naked at the Airport

About a dozen US airports have now installed the whole-body imaging machine as part of the security program. These talented and inquisitive machines use some kind of x-ray to see weapons or explosives that are concealed under several layers of clothes.

That's the good news, an important tool for security. You may not want to know this, but the same device can look at shape and size of anything else that resides beneath your clothing. Somebody is going to get an eyeful!

If you have not been through one of these yet, cheer-up. It will soon be playing at an airport near you.


Friday, July 18, 2008

Obama rips off taxpayers

The media has been all a buzz that Obama raised 52 million dollars of support in June. Yet he is going to have the American taxpayer fund his campaign trip to Europe. Why can he get away with this?

Some will be quick to advise me that a senator (even junior senators that are not doing their job) are allowed to travel at taxpayer expense. But this trip is not about his job. It is merely a publicity stunt to dupe the American people into thinking that his no-nothing could survive on the international front. The mainstream media have already written the last chapter of the trip-journal, so there is no doubt about what you will see on the news.

I thought Obama was going to campaign without U.S. funds. I am a taxpayer and I do not support this trip.


We pay for Obama's publicity stunt!

Voinovich Right On!

In a state (Ohio) that suffers from an abundance of democrats, it is nice to hear a Republican voice speak out. Senator George Voinovich used the term 'ridiculous' to refer to Gore's recent energy speech. It is almost behond belief that anyone can take Al Gore seriously. This is not the first time Voinovich has spoken out with common sense on energy and global warming. I guess Voinovich, unlike many in Congress, is starting to get it!

Gore says that the U.S. should end our dependence on carbon based fuels within the next 10 years. What better way to weaken our economy while the rest of the world continues to thrive on petroleum fuel.

Al Gore is in it for the money. His company is banking on the carbon credit nonsense to make a truckload of money, and he'll tear down his country to do it.

If Gore is serious about reducing petroleum dependence, he should first acknowledge that other forms of energy need to be proven successful first. Nuclear energy has been proven, so that is likely where we would need to expand first. Wind and solar are supplemental sources of energy that can help in some applications.

Always vote against the likes of Al Gore - he does not have the best interest of our country at heart.


Drill Now!

The lines are drawn in Congress:

The Republicans want to drill in the frozen tundra of Alaska and off east and west coasts of the U.S. They know that just the initiation of this effort will effect the global price of oil in a good way and gasoline prices will go down. This is common sense, this is good sense.

Meanwhile, the democrats are opposed to any such drilling. Pelosi calls it a hoax. democrats think it far better that we pay even more for petroleum. Anything to hurt the country and promote their sick anti-american agenda.

What is amazing is that the liberal party that now wants to be called progressive, is still hung up on environmental wacko ideas of 25 years ago. It is definitely time to remove the democrats from office.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Telling niggers how to behave!

Wait a minute, who's telling niggers how to behave? Those words come straight out of the heart of the democrat party from one of their long-standing heros - Jesse Jackson.

Yes, when Jesse was heard saying of Barack Hussein Obama that he wanted to cut his nuts off, he also made this accusation of Obama.

Now, if Jesse Jackson can call black people niggers, I think it is OK for anyone to use the same lingo. No fear, no guilt, no n-word. The black community seems to relish the word nigger.

To avoid any confusion, I must point out that Jesse Jackson did not call Barack Hussein a nigger.

I don't make this stuff up.

What Jesse Jackson said


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Fight The Smears!

Barack Obama has had enough! He's tired of people using the internet to say things he doesn't want them to say. He's concerned about allegations that he is neither a Christian nor a patriotic American. He's not concerned with freedom of speech - after all, he is a liberal.

He is hoping that his online supporters will use the new website to cover the truth with party line propoganda. After all, November is still a ways off.

This is a great opportunity for those who can see the truth about Obama to speak out loud and often. Don't let him hide behind his teleprompter symbolism.

It has been alleged by some that he is neither a Christian nor a patriotic American. Count me in - I see that he is neither.

Obama's decision to create a platform where these truths can be more broadly published is good for America.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Does Your Post Invite a Response?

Those who write and read blogs have certainly discovered that some blog entries so readily evoke a response that your hands are practically pulled to the keyboard. Other blog entries leave you sitting at the computer with a 'that's nice, so what' expression on your face. Obviously the last example is not the desired effect.

More than likely I am currently doing what I just talked about. I posted two entries on my Blogger Party blog. They are both book reviews, but content is quite different. The first one (Jeeves) is the most appealing and was posted first. Vision is more studious and demanding, as well as politically incorrect.

So what will happen? Will anyone care to comment on these two entries? I don't know, but I hope so.

Carry On, Jeeves

The Vision of the Anointed


Bux3 for Cash!

Friday, May 09, 2008

Global Warming

What you ought to know! This video is from the "what you outght to know" website. It is a thoughtful and intelligent discussion that puts global warming in context. Try it!

More information from the same place.

Three Stooges - Latest Photo Found

This has to be the latest photo ever taken of this historical comdedy team. Enjoy!

For more info about the actual Three Stooges!


Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Global Warming Solution?

Once they grasped the imminent danger facing the global community, U.S. decision-makers had no choice but to act quickly, and so they did. Petroleum-based fuels are possibly the largest source of man-made carbon so it was only logical to reduce gasoline consumption. The solution proposed was to start blending ethanol (produced from corn) with gasoline. This has been going on long enough now that we can access the impact of this program.

Since the big push to use ethanol/gasoline blends:

Gasoline prices have continued to rise.

Food prices have risen significantly. Initially it was foods directly related to corn or corn syrup, but now the price increases are obvious in almost all food types.

Farmers are intending to use more of their land for corn (and less for other grains like wheat and oats) because the prices of corn are so high.

Around the world, available food supplies have become more scarce and prices have gone up significantly.

Riots over food supply and cost in places like Somalia have resulted in injury and death of people.

Scientists have determined that if you correctly analyze the carbon footprint of raising and processing corn, that there is little if any reduction in carbon emissions compared to petroleum production.

This should be a wake-up call to the decision-makers that they have to consider all factors when developing such a strategy. It is not acceptable to upset so many applecarts and then have no environmental benefit to show for it. There will not be one perfect solution. Rather many, many trade-offs will need to be considered.



Obama Has a Boyfriend?


Larry Sinclair, a Minnesoata democrat, says you only need to go back to 1999 to see Obama using crack cocaine. For dessert, Larry Sinclair and Obama enjoyed homosexual activity.

Larry Sinclair believes a presidential candidate should be honest and that is why he is speaking out. Since the media has had no interest in his story, he put his message out on Youtube. He has had over a quarter million visitors so far.

Sinclair is willing to submit to a polygraph test and now he will get his chance. Someone has offered him $10,000 for the right to record the test and $100,000 if he passes the test. How is that for academic motivation?

Meet Obama. He has already stated a strong pro-homosexual position, but how many Americans have contemplated him being gay?

How many ways can Obama deceive the American people? Shall he also lead by deception?


Obama's Friend Bill Ayers


Is that an American flag he is standing on? Yes it is. Disrespect for flag and country is one of the consistent themes of liberal democrats. This is what the democrat party has to offer voters in Indiana and North Carolina today.

Both Clinton and Obama stand firmly in the left wing of the democrat party. They cover it up as much as they can, but sooner or later voters do catch on.

Bill Ayers is a known and admitted terrorist and democrat radical. He has been involved in making bombs and blowing up U.S. buildings. When interviewed after 9/11, he said he only wished he had blown up more.

It was at the home of Bill Ayers that Obama kicked off his campaign for U.S. Senate. Obama's argument is that he was only 8 when Ayers bombs were going off. That may be true, but apparently a much older Obama is quite comfortable to be in the Ayers camp. By the way, the picture was taken in 2001.

It only takes a few sound bites from the media and most democrat voters are lulled into a dull stupor - not able to see who their candidate really is.


Which Race We Talking About?

She was the only female running in the race. She poured every ounce of her being into this race - running her heart out. But, alas, she came in second. She finished with head held high, but she was quite injured and subsequently euthanized on the track.

I'm talking about Eight Belles, of course, and the Kentucky Derby. You know, the horse Hillary put her money on.


Monday, May 05, 2008

Riddle - What Am I?

What Am I?

This is a riddle. When you think you have the answer, click on the link below. You might be surprised.

I live in California and I've been doing my thing for 107 years.

I use little energy and keep all my carbon to myself.

I like to hang around with firemen since they take good care of me.

Thomas Edison would be so pleased to meet me.

That might be enough clues. Here is the answer!


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Jeremiah Wright - Racist

Through the wonders of video recording and YouTube, Americans have recently come to understand what the Reverend Jeremiah Wright of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ is about. For myself, and many others, it is a shock that this level of racism and hatred still exists in a public forum in the U.S. Truth is - such poisoned minds do exist and they are a major influence in people like Barack Hussein Obama.

Think about it!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Super What?

With Hillary's success at the polls this past Tuesday, there is a good chance that neither she or Obama will have enough delegates secured after all the primary elections to grab the democrat nomination for President. Bring on the super delegates!

The official name for super delegates is "unpledged party leader and elected official delegate." These people are super delegates merely because of their status as current or former elected officeholders and party officials. You might say these are people that hold or have held positions of power or influence in the party.

When the democrat convention is held, the unique privilege these delegates hold is freedom to vote for whomever they choose. They are not obliged to represent the choice of the people. So be it - that is the system.

Think about this for a minute. As the convention draws near, and the race stays close, can you imagine the discussions between the super delegates and the people of Hillary and Obama. Handshakes, persuasion, discussion, promises, support and 'under-the-table-surprises' must abound! After a long and close race, is their anything that a super delegate cannot ask for, or be offered? It would be interesting to know!


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A Silent Gathering of 500?

Talk radio host Glenn Beck recently interviewed John Coleman, the man who started the Weather Channel. John Coleman is one of many scientists who say it is high time to speak out against Al Gore's global warming alarmism.

This week there has been a convention of scientists meeting in New York. Approximately 500 scientists are in attendance and a number of them are well known and highly respected. Regardless of where you live, whether New Zealand, China, England or New York, it is almost certain that you have not heard about this convention. Why would it be such a secret, especially since the meetings are held within a few blocks of the major TV network channels?

The reason for the silence is that these scientists are not in step with the politically correct view of global warming. Their ideas clash with the intent of the media and are thus ignored.

John Coleman is hopeful that it is not too late for the truth to have an impact on people's thinking. He has questioned if there is financial fraud associated with carbon credits. Think of an infomercial where they are working hard to sell something to you in any way they can. They show you a product and then a few actors wrap it up in enthusiastic praise. Finally, you cave-in and order - only to be disappointed later when you see the product is not all they said it would be.

In the same way, if you pay me for carbon credits, I can take the money and tell you that I will do something to reduce global warming. Was your money well spent? You will never know. Cautious shoppers will bear in mind: there is significant doubt as to whether man can impact global climate change, for man's contribution of carbon may not be the issue. Since we are talking about a global issue you might also consider that China's outpouring of greenhouse gases will by far outdo any good your money will bring about. Never you mind, though. I will take your money and praise your global activism. If the government takes the money, you will have even less chance of seeing a benefit.

John Coleman is looking for a group of lawyers to consider if this is financial fraud. The atmosphere of a courtroom would be effective for clearing the air and getting to the truth.


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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Observations on Global Warming

Climate Change?

Recently I came across this collection of observations on a blog. Based on other reading, I believe this is generally true. The author was not specified so I cannot give credit.

"Global warming is a sham and is nothing more than a political cause to change the world as we know it. The Arctic Ice cap is reforming. The Antarctic Ice cap is at record depth. Solar activity has slowed and we are experiencing near record freezes in many parts of the world. Planetary temperatures worldwide have been decreasing the last 5 years. Here in San Diego, the average temperature for the entire year was a full1 1 degree colder than 2006."

Take time and opportunity to pull away from the mind-engulfing alarmism that the media is pumping out and see what is really going on!


Tuesday, March 04, 2008

March 4 - Election Day

Big Day in Toledo, Ohio. Of course there are the Presidential Primary Candidates to be voted on. Rush Limbaugh makes a good case for the benefit of Hillary winning (just for a while). Top Republican candidates are not so close.

Far more interesting is the ballot for those who reside in Toledo. They have the chance to vote down a school levy for Toledo Public Schools. Until the education system is fixed, that is the best thing to do.

Toledo is also asking citizens to renew a 3/4% income tax. Even though it has been around for 20 years, the tax has always been labeled temporary. What a great opportunity for Toledo citizens to send a message to the corrupt local government. The union/democrat control that has the city in a dangerous head-lock needs to be told, "Enough!"

What will the people of Toledo do with this opportunity. Bear in mind the mayor (one Carlton S. Finkbeiner - jerk with no respect for the Marines) has been threatening people that he will cut police and fire support for the city! These extortionist threats are absurd and certainly an abuse of power.

Hats off to WSPD (talk radio) and especially Maggie Thurber for showing that such cuts are not necessary, even if the tax is defeated.

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P.S. Conclusion: In the end,Toledoans proved themselves stupid on both counts!

The Fraud of Global Warming

Those are strong words! John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel (1982) shared that concept at the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change on March 3 in New York. John Coleman is highly critical of global warming alarmism and says that the Weather Channel has become an outlet for it. One example is from December 2006 when Heidi Cullen (an employee) argued on her blog that,

"weathercasters who had doubts about human influence on global warming should be punished with decertification by the American Meteorological Society."

He also indicated a strategy for gaining control of this problem: He advocated suing those who sell carbon credits, and that would include Al Gore. (article here)

At the same conference, Lord Christopher Monckton, a policy adviser to former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher stated that science will eventually prevail and the 'scare' of global warming will go away.

I leave you with two comments: The statement from Ms. Cullen is not surprising at all. The liberal left in the U.S. seldom have any interest in debating facts. Their approach is consistently emotion and outrage and then whatever it takes to squelch the expression of any opposing views.

Secondly, I applaud John Coleman. It is always refreshing to see a man more concerned about truth than political correctness. This must be a great encouragement for the many climatologist who know that global warming is a scam, but are afraid to speak up. Way to go, John Coleman!


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Thursday, February 14, 2008

What is Obama's Magic?

As anyone knows, especially Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama is gathering a lot of support and a very strong following. Many have commented that his influence over people resembles that of a religious zealot. His 'rookie' efforts seem to be more effective than the tried and true political power and corruption that Hillary is relying upon.

The magic of Obama is that he is a blank slate. His glorious speeches are made up of warm and fuzzy hope-filled visions of future glory. He does not talk details or specifics on the issues. Rather, he leaves everything wide open.

He puts the blank slate in front of your eyes and then allows you to fill it with your own fantasies and desires. Plug in whatever you want and then find a stamp of approval in his words.

Silly, oh so silly, is any person that would get sucked into this fantasy. Campaign speeches are meaningless unless they merge with reality after the election. Obama is living in a dream world. One example:

In his TV commercial I saw last night he makes the case for needing health care reform. Then he makes this statement, "We must fix health care, but first we must fix Washington."

There is no way Obama is going to fix, or even significantly change Washington. Our government is a huge beast that will not in any way be infuenced by his presence.

Wake up people!


Thursday, January 31, 2008

February 1 at the Dentist

I had not planned it this way - it's just how it worked out. I had a dentist appointment this morning, on February 1st. So what, you say?

In case you did not know it, February is Children's Dental Health Month. This makes February a bit unique and will give you something to think about besides your bills.

Interesting side-note - I posted on the same topic last year!

For the children's teeth

By the way - no cavities!


Where has time gone?

It is truly amazing that I have not posted here since last September! So hard to believe. The whole time I was alive and had ample access to a computer. I just got too busy with other things.

When Blogfeast went down for good, it was certainly a blow to my blogging enthusiasm, and my momentum really lagged. I was also investing time in other money making opportunities. I told myself there must be something to this PTR/PTC/PTP business. There is and I will talk more about that at another time.

Blogging is writing, and writing is creative - I think that is why it can be fun.

So plan on stopping back here. I've got lots to talk about, including Clinton, Obama, Romney and McCain!

Oh yea, I have not missed a beat of the sorry political secene.
