Tuesday, March 04, 2008

March 4 - Election Day

Big Day in Toledo, Ohio. Of course there are the Presidential Primary Candidates to be voted on. Rush Limbaugh makes a good case for the benefit of Hillary winning (just for a while). Top Republican candidates are not so close.

Far more interesting is the ballot for those who reside in Toledo. They have the chance to vote down a school levy for Toledo Public Schools. Until the education system is fixed, that is the best thing to do.

Toledo is also asking citizens to renew a 3/4% income tax. Even though it has been around for 20 years, the tax has always been labeled temporary. What a great opportunity for Toledo citizens to send a message to the corrupt local government. The union/democrat control that has the city in a dangerous head-lock needs to be told, "Enough!"

What will the people of Toledo do with this opportunity. Bear in mind the mayor (one Carlton S. Finkbeiner - jerk with no respect for the Marines) has been threatening people that he will cut police and fire support for the city! These extortionist threats are absurd and certainly an abuse of power.

Hats off to WSPD (talk radio) and especially Maggie Thurber for showing that such cuts are not necessary, even if the tax is defeated.

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P.S. Conclusion: In the end,Toledoans proved themselves stupid on both counts!

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