Friday, July 18, 2008

Voinovich Right On!

In a state (Ohio) that suffers from an abundance of democrats, it is nice to hear a Republican voice speak out. Senator George Voinovich used the term 'ridiculous' to refer to Gore's recent energy speech. It is almost behond belief that anyone can take Al Gore seriously. This is not the first time Voinovich has spoken out with common sense on energy and global warming. I guess Voinovich, unlike many in Congress, is starting to get it!

Gore says that the U.S. should end our dependence on carbon based fuels within the next 10 years. What better way to weaken our economy while the rest of the world continues to thrive on petroleum fuel.

Al Gore is in it for the money. His company is banking on the carbon credit nonsense to make a truckload of money, and he'll tear down his country to do it.

If Gore is serious about reducing petroleum dependence, he should first acknowledge that other forms of energy need to be proven successful first. Nuclear energy has been proven, so that is likely where we would need to expand first. Wind and solar are supplemental sources of energy that can help in some applications.

Always vote against the likes of Al Gore - he does not have the best interest of our country at heart.


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