Monday, January 10, 2011

Ohio has a new Governor!

John Kasich is sworn in as the new Governor of Ohio at 12:08 a.m. January 10, 2011.  He is joined by his wife, Karen, who is holding a special family Bible.  This is really good news for Ohio!  Democrat Strickland is now history, but I am sure the damage he has done will be with us for a while.

Strickland had made the comment that "his policies had positioned the state for strong economic growth."  Remembering that Strickland is a democrat, could he really have done that?  Yes, on the surface.

Here is how the Toledo Blade (democrat) characterized the current condition of the Ohio budget.  After pointing out that Ohio may have a surplus of $400,000,000, they go on to clarify, "that budget is held together with federal stimulus dollars and other one-time monies not expected to be available for the next budget, leaving estimates the state may face an $8 billion revenue shortfall in the next two-year budget."

This is exactly how the democrats work.  They line up the smoke and mirrors so the public thinks things are good, but when you look beneath the surface, you see it is not so.  Anybody who claims solid footing based on obama's borrowed trillions is foolhardy, at best.

So, let's celebrate the arrival of John Kasich, and see how he makes changes.

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