Thursday, October 28, 2010

How to Waterboard Your Girlfriend

Sometimes modern-day relationships involve the need of very specialized information.  This is information generally not available to the public.  I do not want you to be ignorant of what you need to know if you get in one of these situations, so I thought I would pass on this creative way to get your girlfriend's attention.

(Note: Reason for this sudden outburst from the husband is that it deals with the loss of his son.)

If you want to waterboard your girlfriend:

1.  Stuff hospital socks into her mouth.

2.  Bind her wrists with belts and hair ties.

3.  Put a shirt over her head (color not important)

4.  Pour a pitcher of water over her head. 

The purpose of water boarding is to make the person feel like they are drowning, without actually drowning.  keep that in mind.


I do not advocate, promote, encourage,  waterboarding of your girlfriend.

I have never waterboarded anyone.

These steps are from another, and they have not been proven.

This is the first and only example I have of waterboarding technique.  The link is below.  Hopefully this will give you the information you need.

Still waiting to hear the girl friend's perspective.

Source Article

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