Tuesday, January 27, 2009

When you send a boy ...

So now we have a man of little wisdom, intelligence or experience talking to our enemies. What good can come out of this? Has the world been waiting for a 'community organizer' to bring peace to one and all?

Today, B. Hussein gets to flappin' on Arab TV, trying to build wonderful relations between the U.S. and the Muslim World.

Of course the first item of business is to apologize for the nasty U.S. Twenty or thirty years ago we used to be so close in relations, but then the U.S. was bad.

Secondly, Obama attacks the Muslim faith! That's right. B. Hussein is telling the Arab world that the white infidels are actually their friends, they just don't realize it. If they believe the black one, then they will have to get all new text books for their schools.

'Kill the infidels' is a key component of their religion. Who is B. Hussein to tell them differently? (It could be that black panther leftists, like obama get really confused on these issues.)

I suppose this is a practice run for the upcoming negotiation with Iran. They must be our friends too, right?

Armed with the 'audacity of hope', we should not give up our dream about the day obama gets his head out of his butt and wakes up. It's just too bad he is in the Whitehouse.

By the way, when is the last time you heard anyone of Muslim faith apologize for 911?

source article


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