Tuesday, January 27, 2009

When you send a boy ...

So now we have a man of little wisdom, intelligence or experience talking to our enemies. What good can come out of this? Has the world been waiting for a 'community organizer' to bring peace to one and all?

Today, B. Hussein gets to flappin' on Arab TV, trying to build wonderful relations between the U.S. and the Muslim World.

Of course the first item of business is to apologize for the nasty U.S. Twenty or thirty years ago we used to be so close in relations, but then the U.S. was bad.

Secondly, Obama attacks the Muslim faith! That's right. B. Hussein is telling the Arab world that the white infidels are actually their friends, they just don't realize it. If they believe the black one, then they will have to get all new text books for their schools.

'Kill the infidels' is a key component of their religion. Who is B. Hussein to tell them differently? (It could be that black panther leftists, like obama get really confused on these issues.)

I suppose this is a practice run for the upcoming negotiation with Iran. They must be our friends too, right?

Armed with the 'audacity of hope', we should not give up our dream about the day obama gets his head out of his butt and wakes up. It's just too bad he is in the Whitehouse.

By the way, when is the last time you heard anyone of Muslim faith apologize for 911?

source article


Monday, January 26, 2009

My President is Black!

Oh such a glorious age we live in!

My President is Black

(dumber than shit, but at least he is black)

obama hussein, the 'mother of all tokens'

My President is Black

obama's double talk

If you listen carefully to what obama says, he usually tries to talk both sides of an issue when he talks. Here is one example:

In the beginning of the article, the black one is quoted as saying, "Let me be clear: Our goal is not to further burden an already struggling industry."

He then goes on to say how the government is going to force automobile manufacturer's to improve fuel efficiency. President Bush had already shown that the 2007 law calling for these new fuel standards will cost at least $100 billion. As long as it looks 'green', the black one doesn't care what it cost the taxpayer and consumer.

What I cannot figure out is why O. Hussein doesn't just hire 500,000 terrorists and illegal immigrants to check tire pressure. During the campaign - inflating tires was determined to be the ultimate energy fix?


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Jill Price Remembers

Jill Price has been gifted with an amazing autobiographical memory. She has written a book, a personal memoir, in which she shares her special gift and the enormous impact it has had on her life.

I am going to publish several posts about Jill Price and I hope you get on over and check them out.


Carol Browner is a Socialist Pig

Turns out that incoming White House energy-environment czar Carol Browner is a socialist pig. It was recently learned that she is a commissioner in Socialist International.

Socialist International is an anti-capitalistic political cause. They favor the nationalization of industry, are skeptical of the benefits of economic growth and want to establish a more "equitable international economic order." Of course, this is exactly the same anti-American agenda that Obama and his left wing radicals are committed to. They long to tear down the United States until it is equal with the small third world countries. This is stupid, and infuriating, for sure.

Browner, head of EPA during the Clinton years, is a strong proponent of utility decoupling. This allows utilities to produce less electricity (thus less emissions) and still make the same profit. The extra funding is from the tax payer and through higher electricity rates.

This is the kind of crap Obama will continuously try pull on Americans. We have to catch him at every turn and nail his little black butt to the wall!


Source Article

Monday, January 19, 2009

Historic Obama Plate

Break the piggy bank, sell the car (or kids) - whatever it takes?

Collect a piece of history, buy the stupid plate!

Simple Instructions:

1. Buy the plate, rejoicing that this is $10 of your money Obama won't get.
2. Paint the entire center of the plate black - it is the color of hope and audacity.
3. Put the plate somewhere it will receive all the honor due it.

So order the victory plate and get started!


Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean

Many conservatives were hoping that President Bush would commute the prison sentences of the two former U.S. Border Patrol agents before he left office. It would have been wrong of him not do it.

Without going into all the details, I do not dispute that there was some wrong doing on the part of the agents. On the other hand, for the government and President Bush to implement screwed up liberal justice policy was far worse. They bent over backwards to protect the criminal, while making it clear that the two border patrol agents had no rights. This is not unique - it is happening to law enforcement and military personnel all the time. It will only get worse until someone squashes the liberal agenda.

I am happy for these two men who will be able to return to their families in about two months. It has been a very long and hard road. Too bad President Bush didn't have the courage to act sooner than this.


Have You Had Enough?

Black, Negro, Black, Negro!

Have you had enough? If you are not going to worship at the alter of skin color, then let us know so we can pull the plug on this nonsense.

I already knew that Obama was a token; hired only because of his skin color. Why does all the media have to keep regurgitating this perversion of the Presidency?

Today is MLK day - the instigator of riots and destruction? Am I marching? You bet I'm marching - away from my TV so I don't have to listen to it.

Tomorrow is Obamathon Innaugaration day. You have my permission to blow it off. It's just $150,000,000 million tax dollars being flushed. Anything you do tomorrow that ignores the black hoopla and puts Obama down will be the better thing.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Throngs Cheer Obama Train

Well, this is the big week, right. The week when you see enough of the BLACK president that you are prone to puke. Been awhile since I posted here, but I thought in these dire times, I should be putting some of my thoughts down.

The guiding principle for this week: Whenever you see Obama and historic used in the same paragraph, know that historic means black. There is nothing historic about the political thug from Chicago other than his skin color.

Sorry, but we have to face the truth.
