Sunday, March 16, 2008

Jeremiah Wright - Racist

Through the wonders of video recording and YouTube, Americans have recently come to understand what the Reverend Jeremiah Wright of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ is about. For myself, and many others, it is a shock that this level of racism and hatred still exists in a public forum in the U.S. Truth is - such poisoned minds do exist and they are a major influence in people like Barack Hussein Obama.

Think about it!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Super What?

With Hillary's success at the polls this past Tuesday, there is a good chance that neither she or Obama will have enough delegates secured after all the primary elections to grab the democrat nomination for President. Bring on the super delegates!

The official name for super delegates is "unpledged party leader and elected official delegate." These people are super delegates merely because of their status as current or former elected officeholders and party officials. You might say these are people that hold or have held positions of power or influence in the party.

When the democrat convention is held, the unique privilege these delegates hold is freedom to vote for whomever they choose. They are not obliged to represent the choice of the people. So be it - that is the system.

Think about this for a minute. As the convention draws near, and the race stays close, can you imagine the discussions between the super delegates and the people of Hillary and Obama. Handshakes, persuasion, discussion, promises, support and 'under-the-table-surprises' must abound! After a long and close race, is their anything that a super delegate cannot ask for, or be offered? It would be interesting to know!


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A Silent Gathering of 500?

Talk radio host Glenn Beck recently interviewed John Coleman, the man who started the Weather Channel. John Coleman is one of many scientists who say it is high time to speak out against Al Gore's global warming alarmism.

This week there has been a convention of scientists meeting in New York. Approximately 500 scientists are in attendance and a number of them are well known and highly respected. Regardless of where you live, whether New Zealand, China, England or New York, it is almost certain that you have not heard about this convention. Why would it be such a secret, especially since the meetings are held within a few blocks of the major TV network channels?

The reason for the silence is that these scientists are not in step with the politically correct view of global warming. Their ideas clash with the intent of the media and are thus ignored.

John Coleman is hopeful that it is not too late for the truth to have an impact on people's thinking. He has questioned if there is financial fraud associated with carbon credits. Think of an infomercial where they are working hard to sell something to you in any way they can. They show you a product and then a few actors wrap it up in enthusiastic praise. Finally, you cave-in and order - only to be disappointed later when you see the product is not all they said it would be.

In the same way, if you pay me for carbon credits, I can take the money and tell you that I will do something to reduce global warming. Was your money well spent? You will never know. Cautious shoppers will bear in mind: there is significant doubt as to whether man can impact global climate change, for man's contribution of carbon may not be the issue. Since we are talking about a global issue you might also consider that China's outpouring of greenhouse gases will by far outdo any good your money will bring about. Never you mind, though. I will take your money and praise your global activism. If the government takes the money, you will have even less chance of seeing a benefit.

John Coleman is looking for a group of lawyers to consider if this is financial fraud. The atmosphere of a courtroom would be effective for clearing the air and getting to the truth.


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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Observations on Global Warming

Climate Change?

Recently I came across this collection of observations on a blog. Based on other reading, I believe this is generally true. The author was not specified so I cannot give credit.

"Global warming is a sham and is nothing more than a political cause to change the world as we know it. The Arctic Ice cap is reforming. The Antarctic Ice cap is at record depth. Solar activity has slowed and we are experiencing near record freezes in many parts of the world. Planetary temperatures worldwide have been decreasing the last 5 years. Here in San Diego, the average temperature for the entire year was a full1 1 degree colder than 2006."

Take time and opportunity to pull away from the mind-engulfing alarmism that the media is pumping out and see what is really going on!


Tuesday, March 04, 2008

March 4 - Election Day

Big Day in Toledo, Ohio. Of course there are the Presidential Primary Candidates to be voted on. Rush Limbaugh makes a good case for the benefit of Hillary winning (just for a while). Top Republican candidates are not so close.

Far more interesting is the ballot for those who reside in Toledo. They have the chance to vote down a school levy for Toledo Public Schools. Until the education system is fixed, that is the best thing to do.

Toledo is also asking citizens to renew a 3/4% income tax. Even though it has been around for 20 years, the tax has always been labeled temporary. What a great opportunity for Toledo citizens to send a message to the corrupt local government. The union/democrat control that has the city in a dangerous head-lock needs to be told, "Enough!"

What will the people of Toledo do with this opportunity. Bear in mind the mayor (one Carlton S. Finkbeiner - jerk with no respect for the Marines) has been threatening people that he will cut police and fire support for the city! These extortionist threats are absurd and certainly an abuse of power.

Hats off to WSPD (talk radio) and especially Maggie Thurber for showing that such cuts are not necessary, even if the tax is defeated.

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P.S. Conclusion: In the end,Toledoans proved themselves stupid on both counts!

The Fraud of Global Warming

Those are strong words! John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel (1982) shared that concept at the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change on March 3 in New York. John Coleman is highly critical of global warming alarmism and says that the Weather Channel has become an outlet for it. One example is from December 2006 when Heidi Cullen (an employee) argued on her blog that,

"weathercasters who had doubts about human influence on global warming should be punished with decertification by the American Meteorological Society."

He also indicated a strategy for gaining control of this problem: He advocated suing those who sell carbon credits, and that would include Al Gore. (article here)

At the same conference, Lord Christopher Monckton, a policy adviser to former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher stated that science will eventually prevail and the 'scare' of global warming will go away.

I leave you with two comments: The statement from Ms. Cullen is not surprising at all. The liberal left in the U.S. seldom have any interest in debating facts. Their approach is consistently emotion and outrage and then whatever it takes to squelch the expression of any opposing views.

Secondly, I applaud John Coleman. It is always refreshing to see a man more concerned about truth than political correctness. This must be a great encouragement for the many climatologist who know that global warming is a scam, but are afraid to speak up. Way to go, John Coleman!


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