Friday, September 07, 2007

Chuck Schumer (democrat) Slams U.S. Military

Consistent with the heart of the democrats, Senator Chuck Schumer came back from vacation ready to cut-down the U.S. troops. His words are cutting and it is hard to believe that any Senator of the U.S. could first of all say such a thing, and second of all get away with it.

Even though the troop surge is working and General Petraeus will have good things to report, the insane Bush-hatred (which is the one identifying mark of democrats today) cannot tolerate any good news. Tear down the country, tear down the troops, but whatever you do don't give up on the pursuit of defeat and shame for the U.S.

Schumer on the Senate floor giving credit to the terrorists and insulting the U.S. troops:

"And let me be clear, the violence in Anbar has gone down despite the surge, not because of the surge. The inability of American soldiers to protect these tribes from al Qaeda said to these tribes we have to fight al Qaeda ourselves. It wasn't that the surge brought peace here. It was that the warlords took peace hear, created a temporary peace here. And that is because there was no one else there protecting."

Where is the call for Schumer's resignation? You cannot tell me he supports the troops or the U.S.


Saturday, April 14, 2007

Nappy headed hos

To tell you the truth, when the Don Imus story broke I could not even tell you what 'nappy headed ho' means. This new language that is fostered in the hip-hop and rap worlds doesn't intersect with my life in any way, shape or form (I am grateful!). It would appear that Don Imus must listen to too much hip-hop and rap music. For a radio personality to hear words from a portion of the culture around us and repeat them is almost unspeakable.

As insults go, this must be the supreme one. It is so powerful that the Rutgers team had no choice but to take it seriously. Now they must live in fear that they really are hos and it wasn't just unguarded words from a radio DJ who has probably said equivalent statements at least a hundred times. At least that is what I pick up from others.

As long as Don Imus was apologizing to every person of colored skin on the planet, I think he best get around to apologizing to white folk, such as myself. Otherwise those who are always color-mindful, might assume that all white folk consider this group of girls to be nappy headed hos. It has also been reported that a couple of players may even fall out of the definition of nappy headed because their hair is different. This will likely be changed.

We will never know, but I wonder if this would have ever been an issue if the Don Imus regular listeners were the only ones who heard this comment. As I understand it there was a media group that had hired a person to listen to every word that Don Imus said on air - always looking for the opportunity. When that person had the word, they had a list of 100 reporters to send the information to. With technology as it is in our country, we must remember that just because a story is on the evening news in every state, it does not mean it is a big story.

Enough for now, but there is more to be said.


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

February is Dental Health Month

To be more exact, February is National Children's Dental Health Month. This is sponsored by the American Dental Association. This awareness program does make February more special.

Have you ever wondered what a dentist might do to make children more comfortable about visiting? Well here are some ideas from the office of a practicing pediatric dentist that you might want to consider or compare.

  • Explain healthy habits like healthy snacks, how to take care of your teeth and the importance of regular dental checkups.
  • Reception area includes books, puzzles, games, Game Cube and pinball machine. Another office actually had 3 arcade machines.
  • A "No Cavities Club" was formed that includes a weekly drawing for prizes.
  • Use of air abrasion (drill-less) dentistry. With this technique tooth decay can be removed without the drill, and sometimes without the shot. This technique is not always able to replace the drill.
  • A laser cavity detection system makes it possible to find cavities when they are quite small and easier to deal with.
  • Nitrous oxide if needed to help decrease anxiety.
  • TV's head phones and DVD's to keep them busy.

As you can see, there are quite a number of things that can be done to accommodate children and take away most of the anxiety associated with a trip to the dentist.

Do you need to make an appointment?


Monday, January 29, 2007

About those Democrats

Watching the Democrats in recent weeks has left me with so many issues that we could discuss. Just to list a few of those issues:

The Democrat hatred of the President is irrational and unfounded.

The true Democrat Mandate became evident to America when during the State of the Union Message, President Bush spoke of victory. Democrat response - sit on their hands and be careful not to show agreement.

Those in the Democrat party have put all of their eggs in one basket - the basket of defeat in Iraq. They are fully invested in the defeat of America. This is sick. The fact that they still consider themselves Americans makes me double sick! Phony hypocrites. Should the U.S. Military succeed in Iraq, 2008 is over for the Democrats, and they know it.

Barack Hussein Osama accidentally let it slip that he had been raised as a Muslim, and even went to school with the nasty breed of Muslim that is taught early to kill the infidels. Of course he has denied this - but that means little. Let the facts speak for themselves. The mother from Kansas is an atheist. By the way, this information became public thanks to Hillary Clinton's people.

In true Democrat hypocrite style, Obama Osama is now calling himself a devout Christian. This is merely a political ploy to make people forget that he is a Muslim trained from childhood to hate infidels. These words from him are meaningless, and for that to change, he will have to share much more about the content of his faith.

Peolosi and Ried continue to have ethics violations, even in the midst of reforms.

Hillary does not have the integrity to stand behind her decision to put American troops in Iraq. She is now trying to blame President Bush for her decision.

Pelosi has worked to take away first amendment rights from grassroots people who do not agree with her agenda. Although her scheme was exposed this time, she has promised to try again. You must realize that even in the midst of Pelosi/Ried ethics reform, it is still possible to attach amendments to a bill in committee and have it passed without congressional approval.

The all-important minimum wage proposal went through the House and Senate. Most amazing is that those making $3.60 per hour in American Samoa were exempted from this increase. The Democrats were quite happy with this work of deceit.

The global warming fad continues to gain momentum, but there are certainly reasons to question the validity of most things being said.

Oh, we could go on and on. The core of the Democrat is truly corrupt and distorted. They need to be watched every step of the way.

Kudos to President Bush for his courage in the midst of much opposition. For those spineless Republicans who have bailed out, you do deserve to be ousted from office.

God Bless You,

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Global Warming Caution

Surging through our country at the beginning of 2007 is a passion to solve the global warming problem. The fact that President Bush has not consented to go along with the Kyoto Protocol, has been the only reason most Democrats have needed to make this a priority issue.

In lieu of activity by the Federal government, there is now a tidal wave of global warming initiatives being started by various state governments, environmental groups and even corporations. Are they on the right path? Will they be able to stop the global warming in time?

The unexpected question is: In their delusion, do they care about global warming, or is it the political posturing, the power, the opportunity for more government control, the marketing and the money that constitute the prize? The news that is harder to find is that their are still plenty of people who do not by into this idea that man is causing global warming.

An ABC TV meteorologist, James Spann, does not believe that global warming is a result of human activity. He notes that "billions of dollars of grant money is flowing into the pockets of those on the man-made global warming bandwagon." If you know anything about our country, you know the money alone would be evidence enough to push global warming.

Consider this quote from Spann, "I have been in operational meteorology since 1978, and I know dozens and dozens of broadcast meteorologists all over the country. ...I do not know of a single TV meteorologist who buys into the man-made global warming hype. I know there are a few out there, but I can't find them."

To me that is an amazing statement. Consider a long time TV meteorologist, in the midst of liberal TV media, not buying the prevailing liberal view on global warming. It causes me to think.

Source article: January 25, 2007, Traditional Values Coalition

God Bless You,

Update: 6/20/07

Now that the Global Warming Fever is surging throughout the world, let me direct you to another blog entry on the same topic. I think you will find it interesting.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Barack Obama's Twisted Christianity

Obama-mania is obviously not Bible-fueled. This is so obvious after reviewing a few highlights from the book, 'Barack Obama: Sheep or Goat?'. Barack Obama's brand of Christianity is very liberal and not the type that eminates from a true relationship with Jesus Christ.

Rev. Rob Schenck of the National Clergy Council in Washington has done America the favor of writing this book. Obama's visit to Rick Warren's church was reason enough to question Obama since Warren is primarily an evangelical merchandiser promoting a different twist on Christian thought.

Obama's pastor of the last 20 years has been the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr at Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ. This church is very liberal, focused on welcoming gays and taking progressive positions on many social issues. Apparently Barack Obama has been listening well on Sunday Mornings.

When it comes to God's holy, inspired and inerrant Word, Obama considers himself to be a qualified editor. This quote of Obama found in the book makes that obvious,

"I am not willing to have the state deny American citizens a civil union that confers equivalent rights on such basic matters as hospital visitation or health insurance coverage simply because the people they love are of the same sex - nor am I willing to accept a reading of the Bible that considers an obscure line in Romans to be more defining of Christianity than the Sermon on the Mount."

Barack Obama supports abortion for any reason, by any method, at any stage of pregnancy including during the birth process. His campaign for U.S. Senate championed both Roe. V. Wade and partial-birth abortion.

The Reverend Wright also tends to unapologetically dish out insults. In one interview, Wright called those of us who voted for Geroge Bush "stupid."

Quoting now from author Rob Schenck, "Barack Obama is not an Evangelical Christian. Each of us must decide how much weight to give ths fact as he continues to make the rounds in our churches, but we must keep it at the forefront of our minds..."

Hope this information helps you.

God Bless You,

Monday, January 08, 2007

My First Video Blog

It has been a pleasant surprise that I have been able to create my first video blog. Actually, I should say video blog entry, since there is only one.

Here is how I did it.

My digital camera also has a video feature which is great since I do not have a digital video camera.

I made a small video clip of the Christmas Piano in action.
Kodak EasyShare is the software I use to transfer pictures from the camera to the computer. Videos are saved as .mov files and are played by Quicktime.

No doubt because I am using the low-end of video recording equipment, the video was a little darker than I would have liked. Could be I need to strive for better lighting next time. I looked for some shareware that would allow me to brighten it a little (just as we do with pictures all the time) but was not able to find any, yet. So I used it as it is.

Next, I went to and uploaded the .mov file. This is a free site and I have an account there. Up to this point I had only used this site for pictures. They handle video files as well. I am hoping they handle audio formats too. Photobucket meets the need to have the picture stored on the web (depends on the blog).

The best part of all for the non-programmer is that the html code for embedding the video in a blog or website is provided underneath the video. So it is as simple as cut and paste. Of course, the blogger editor contains a button to upload an image and would handle it more directly.

Have open the blog entry that you want to add the video to, and paste it into your blog.

For me it worked the first time. What a treat!

And now a treat for you. Click the link below if you want to see my video creation.

God Bless You,

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Christmas Riddle

What is full of Christmas, music and dancing. At the same time it is cute and fun to watch. Give up? It is my daughter's Christmas Piano. She received this as a gift from a friend of the family this Christmas season. It plays twelve Christmas songs and the dancing snowmen are just fun to watch.

I've posted a video of the piano in action in one of my blogs. Check it out. I apologize that the picture is not brighter. This video is from my digital camera and so far I have not found software that will allow me to brighten it up a little bit.

Thanks for taking a look. Do have a wonderful day.