Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Filth of the World

I would rather not have the filth of the world sitting on my blog. Even more importantly, I would rather not have a filthy mind sitting in the chair of U.S. Senator for Virginia.

Jim Webb, the fully endorsed Democratic man of the hour, has been found out to be who he really is - and that's not pretty.

The HUGE question now is will the Democratic Party take a stand, or was all the noise about Mark Foley merely a political lie, with no substance. Of course that is what we knew all along, but let's give the Democrats a chance to prove they have some moral basis.

The Real Democrats

God Bless You,

Water into Wine

Have you ever heard of the miracle that Jesus performed at the wedding in Cana of Galilee?

It's His first miracle, and was designated to be the start of His ministry. Not only was the water changed, but their was also a change in His disciples, and even in His relationship with His own mother.

Someone at BlogFeast asked a question about this miracle. Hit the link, then scroll down and find my comment (by djbtol) for some further explanation.

God Bless You

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Osama Obama

In an earlier post I referred to these two peas in a pod. Thanks goes to Senator Ted Kennedy as the first one to confuse the two names, and say them together. Of course this is such a fun comparison, Rush Limbaugh picked it up and make a nice little ditty out of it.

By the way, when Kennedy made the mistake, those in attendance thought it funny.

So enjoy.

God Bless You,

DeWine for Ohio Senate

If you live in Ohio, then this message is for you. If you live in another state, then you can most likely insert the names of your Republican and Democratic candidates in the following.

Mike DeWine (Republican) -

  • supports legal protection for unborn children, and opposes abortion on demand.
  • opposes partial-birth abortion. Mike DeWine co-sponsored and voted for the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act.
  • opposes using your tax dollars to pay for abortion.
  • co-sponsored and voted for a bill that would prevent minor daughters from being taken across state lines for secret abortions without parental notice or consent.
  • was the chief Senate sponsor of "Laci and Connor's Law," which recognizes unborn children as victims when they are injured or killed in violent federal crimes.
  • is endorsed by the National Right to Life Political Action Committee.

Sherrod Brown (Democrat) -

  • supports the bloody mutilation and dismemberment of babies, and apparently has no pangs of conscience. Can you vote for this kind of person?

Abortion is murder and it is an abomination to our Holy and Mighty God. Abortion is a moral issue and trumps any other political issue that may be influencing your vote. Do not choose murder! Pro-choice is pro-murder! You cannot defend a mother's right to murder her baby!

God Bless You with the ability to do what is right,

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Obama and Osama

Ah yes, two peas in a pod. Here's the question of the day: If Obama were a Republican, would he be required to change his name?

First, let's look at the opposite situation. Obama and Osama have names that are so close, they can easily be confused. This is great! Osama has been mistreated by the big bad Americans, so maybe Obama can come along and be a good buddy.

Heard some of Ann Coulter on Matt Drudge - she is good. Also heard a clip from Obama - has no enthusiasm about the idea of running for President - still thinking about it.

Ann brought out a really important point. You've heard all the noise about Pelosi being the first woman to be Speaker of the House - a great historic event. Meanwhile, when Rice was name the first black female to be secretary of State, there was no thought of an historic celebration.

It's all bias and distortion coming from the mainstream media.

God Bless You,

Bad Day on the BlogFeast site

Well I learned a lesson today over at BlogFeast, and unfortunately I had to learn it the hard way. For some period of time (moments, days or weeks - I can't tell) I had forgotten that the non-believers I was blogging with are not going to be tolerant of a Christian or a Republican. After foolishly speaking straight from the heart on some heavy issues, they all ganged up and pounded me. There wasn't one supporting person in the crowed.

There were two groups of people. You have the angry liberals who hate President Bush so much they can't even see straight. They have all the problems of the world reduced down to one solution - get rid of Bush! When they found they were talking to someone who would support the President, they could not even imagine it. They accused me of being high, of making it up and of being such an idiot that I wasn't worth talking to.

The second group of people are those who refrained from entering the discussion. Now I doubt that any of those really agreed with me either, or maybe just in part. But they sure were not going to get themselves soiled over giving some credibility to my words.

So there you have it. I was trusting and stupid, totally forgetting that it is a spiritual war and that the enemy is in this.

Don't know where things will go now. People were already pretty much not reading my posts. Even through the miles of cyberspace, I am not a very likeable person and people know it.

God Bless You,

Enquirer Endorses DeWine

As the election process continues, it is certainly nice to see that The Enquirer, a paper in Cincinnati, OH has come out in favor of Senator Mike DeWine. That ought to be of some help to him.

They primarily see DeWine as an effective moderate, with an especially strong record on child, family and health issues. Now most of that is just fine with me, but that moderate business is the one thing I hold against DeWine. Sometimes he talks like a Democrat and that's not acceptable. If he wants to be a Republican, he should go all the way. The Enquirer says that because he is a moderate, he can be just as effective if the Democrats take over the Senate and/or House.

Now listen to what The Enquirer had to say about Sherrod Brown. Just to list a few points:

Brown is echoing the Democratic talking point that DeWine is a rubber stamp for President Bush. It's an empty headed argument from mis-represented roll call votes.
Brown exploits Ohio worker's fears with his 'faux-populist, anti-free-trade' rhetoric. Accusations he makes have no basis, and when he tries to make intelligent suggestions, he only stumbles around in empty double-talk.
He pits large Corporations against small business.
Brown says he can work in a bipartisan manner, but his style employs such confrontational, in-your-face ideological hyperbole that you wonder how effective he could be. (Maybe DeWine should be more 'in-the-face').

So what did you expect? Sherrod Brown is a democrat - fully trained in idiocy. Let him get whooped at the polls!

Have a nice day,

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Need that Contact with God

These are crazy times for a lot of people, if not most. If you are aware of the government / political things going on it's a lot. The ugly Democratic Party has been focused on bashing President Bush continuously. They do this, first because they want the Power of Congress, and second because they have nothing else to offer. If they did not have the freedom to spew forth a never ending stream of lies, they would have nothing to say. Freedom of speech, with no obligation to tell the truth - that is the liberal way. I digress!

Christians need to maintain contact with their Father. We need His wisdom, His strength and His working in our lives. We must cooperate with the Holy Spirit and God's agenda.

We also need to be praying that His will we be perfectly executed in all the upcoming elections.

For one more tidbit on this, check out my other posting today.

For more thoughts and news on President Bush, Democrats, Clintons and a whole bunch of issues, click here.

God Bless You,

Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Democrats and Your Children

Sorry to be a bummer on your day, but every once in a while you need to be reminded of what a liberal democrat believes. You won't enjoy this and you may gag, or worse yet lose your breakfast!

Could it be that the Democratic Party is now the Party of Moral Values? You might think so as you watch how vigorously they have gone after Mark Foley and any Republican who knows his name.

It's not enough for the Republicans to take a good tongue-lashing. Nancy Pelosi is demanding that Republicans return the monies Foley gave their campaigns. She wants to know, "why the Republicans chose to protect Mark Foley's political career rather than protect the children who were in our charge."

Do Democrats like Nancy Pelosi really care about the children? More accurately one might ask if such Democrats care if men seek out boys for sex.

Go back to 1997 and check out NAMBLA activity with respect to a 10-year-old boy in Massachusetts who was abducted by two men, choked with a gasoline-soaked rag, murdered and then sexually assaulted. One of the two men admitted that NAMBLA had encouraged him to act out his fiendish desires. NAMBLA stands for the National Man-Boy Love Association. The parents of the boy sued NAMBLA, and NAMBLA got a lawyer to protect their interests from the ACLU. Maybe every Democrat would like to return any money they have gained from that despicable organization.

In a 2001 gay pride parade in San Francisco, Nancy Pelosi was in close proximity with radical gay advocate Harry Hay. Hay avidly speaks in favor of sex with teens and demanded that NAMBLA be included in gay pride parades. Did Pelosi ever protest this behavior?

The truth is that liberals do not consider a 17 year old a child anyway. Have they not demanded over and over that it is the right of a 17 year old to pursue an abortion without her parent's knowledge - because she is not a child?

Should the Democrats be accepting any money from Hollywood? The ABC entertainment network gladly embraces the same behavior for fun and laughter. On Desperate Housewives, one of the mothers came home to find her gay teenage son in the bedroom with her new lover (a sex addict and a drunk). For ABC this was just a nice plot and a bit of fun. No need to get outraged or to return those Hollywood contributions.

Finally, it barely needs mention, but it is also well known that the news media ignores this abuse of children unless it can be spun in a positive light.

Why in the world is it reasonable for a Democrat to be outraged at Mark Foley's behavior? If it were not election time, he would be their new poster child.


Note: supporting article by L. Brent Bozell III on Yahoo News

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Stumpin' Hillary

Just as in the previous post, we will take another look at Hillary spreading the Clinton kiss of death to her fellow Democrats. Hillary was in Stamford Connecticut stumping for Diane Farrell who is trying to unseat Rep. Christopher Shays, a 19 year incumbent.

Clinton has been a senator from New York since 2000, and that was by corruption (the scoop)

This is Clinton's typical broad based accusation against Republicans, "There are so many problems that we are facing because of irresponsible Republican leadership in Congress and on every one of them -- whether it's fiscal responsibility or national security, education policy or health care reform -- ". President Bush and his team have done an outstanding job running this country in difficult times. If either of the Clinton's were president following 9/11, both you and I would be praying five times a day, to the god of their choice. A person quite familiar with George Bush's presidency could write an entire book of facts refuting Hillary's lies.

One of the most touching moments was when Farrell said to Hillary, "I will turn to Senator Clinton and say how much I miss your husband, President Clinton. Let's not forget when President Clinton left the office, this country had a healthy economy. Under President Clinton's leadership, we adopted pay as you go. How this Republican Party can claim to have any fiscal authority or responsibility given the fact that our children will be inheriting an extraordinary debt?"

Let's not forget what Clinton did in office - there are many women missing him these days, but only Hillary got to keep him. President Clinton failed miserably on national security. The success of the economy was in no way attributable to Clinton. In addition, Clinton did not have to fund a Katrina response and a war on terror.

Following the speeches, they all went into the rich man's house. Media and middle class were not invited.

Finally, we here from an actor (Bill Gross) who says, "I think it's time we had smart, liberal women like them in leadership positions."

Gag! Gag!

Down with Hillary! Down with Farrell!

Clinton kiss of death, hopefully!

This last Saturday Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton was stumping for Senate candidate Sherrod Brown, who is running against Mike DeWine in Ohio. People might assume that he is just like this wild liberal.

Mr. John McClelland, spokesman for Ohio Republic Party had this to say: "The contrast between the two candidates couldn't be any clearer than today. While Sen. Mike DeWine spent his day visiting with grass roots volunteers and making phone calls to Ohio voters, Sherrod Brown was rubbing elbows with everyone's favorite liberal, Hillary Clinton."

What makes Hillary such a good liberal, is that she need only open her mouth and she will prove he lack of qualifications. Consider these examples:

Speaking of Sherrod Brown, she said, "He has fought 30 years for social and economic justice to help get people health care and affordable college tuition."

Slaving away for 30 years, under both Republican and Democratic governors - what is the result? Still no government funded health care, so obviously there is no social and economic justice. Regarding affordable college tuition, Ohio was just recently given an F in that category. So how is Sherrod doing? I think he should return most of his paychecks for the last 30 years.

In true liberal fashion, Hillary condemned the GOP for not supporting the middle class. The liberal elites are always talking about taking care of the lesser types known as poor and middle class. These people will never make it if the Democrats don't show up with government money.

Mr. Brown was also talking about the cost of higher education during his 11 stop tour. I'm certain he was able to point out why the GOP has kept him from doing anything to help the situation.

Hillary then polls the audience to see how many idiots there are, for only an idiot will believe the story about how Clinton took the deficit to zero and then the Republicans messed it up.

Next, we see Hypocrite Hillary saying, "When you spend money you don't have, you don't spend it properly." But that is something Senator Hillary does every day in Washington. How does she justify that comment?

Once the rally was over, Clinton, Brown and others went to a private fundraiser for Brown. I wonder how many of those middle-class types were invited.

Get my point. Just read what the liberals say. Any person with a reasonable head on their shoulders will see that there is nothing worthy of a vote.

Down with Hillary! Down with Sherrod Brown!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Just a shorty!

Glad to be back home, after a trip to Denver this week. Tried to post using email from my phone today, but apparently I did not remember the correct email address to do that.

More can be said about the Denver trip at another time. Now it's time to focus on the many things that should be done this weekend.

Was able to get some good reading done on the plane. Reviewed some other blog articles, and some research for upcoming postings.

Hope your week ended well, and that you have a wonderful weekend.

God Bless You,

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

On the Road

Things might get a little slim around here this week, as I am travelling to Denver, CO. I'll try to post some interesing thoughts and observations.

Unfortunately, I do not have a laptop that is up to this gig.

Have a wonderful day. Maybe this would be the ideal opportunity for some brave soul to sneak in, like a terrorist, or the drive by media, and leave the first comment. I would be honored and you would be honorable.

God Bless,

Monday, October 02, 2006

Postmodern Multicultural Diversity

It is interesting, but sad, to see how our culture is, for whatever reason, not able to assign value to religion. It's a terrible thing to actually have a definite belief system. After all, hasn't religion been the cause of so much killing? The prevailing belief system (religion) that so many respond with is this:

1. Everyone has their own beliefs and that is OK
2. It's best if people keep their religious views to themselves.
3. It's not right for people of one persuasion to attempt to convince others of their way.

of course, these are all possible because of the underlying falsehood:

4. There is no absolute truth, so whatever you say, is truth.

It's also interesting to see that even those who will correspond about religion, focus only on what they believe. God is like not even in the discussion. There is no concern with, "But what did God say?" or "But what does God require of me?"

The following link goes to my posting that was given in response to a series of similar questions.

Check it out!

God Bless You,

Ohio Senate Race

Incumbent Mike DeWine (GOP) and Democratic representative Sherrod Brown held their first televised debate recently.

As you know the Democratic party is panting hard after about seven more Senate seats, and this Ohio seat one of them. They are spewing forth lies just as fast as they can make them, slinging mud in every direction. But what else could they do, they stand for nothing honorable. Polls say that DeWine has a small lead over Brown at this point.

From this debate, I can see that Brown is your typical un-American. He is opposed to the war. Does that mean he is grateful for 9/11? Of course Brown voted against providing the troops with needed supplies in 2003. Being a Democrat, Brown has a history of seeking more tax revenue.

Unfortunately, DeWine tries to play to close to the middle. I'm not sure you can call him a strong Republican. He claims to support Bush, but on the other hand, he will distance himself from Bush when he thinks it is best for him.

Just the same, no matter what you say about DeWine, that's where your vote should go on this one. Voting for the empty-headed liberal party is like shooting yourself in the foot.

Have a nice day,